Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Decline of Chicago: The City that Doesn't Work

Steve Bartin from this local blog known as Newsalert offers his two cents on the state of the city of Chicago in this online column. Something that's worth a pull from this column among other things I'd like to excerpt...

Recently, Crain’s Chicago Business reported on Chicago winning an award from Fast Company magazine. “Chicago stood out in our reporting for its creativity and vitality,” Editor and Managing Director Bob Safian said at a press conference here. “Chicago offers something distinctive.”

Fast Company Magazine is representative of much of the media: not much on hard facts about Chicago. The Windy City has distinctions but not positive ones. Chicago’s retail sales tax is the highest in the nation at 10.25 percent. Unions, high taxes, and political corruption have made Chicago one of the leaders in big city decline.

One of the great modern myths of big city America is that Chicago is some sort of successful town and a role model for others. By any traditional performance standards Chicago has failed. Like many old, big industrial cities, Chicago peaked in the 1950 Census with a population of 3,620,962. In the 1950s over two percent of the entire U.S. population lived within Chicago city limits. Over a half century later, while America’s population doubled, Chicago’s population declined. The 1960, 1970, 1980, and 1990 Census numbers showed Chicago losing population.

Mayor Daley and Chicago residents were quite excited about the 2000 Census showing Chicago gaining over 112,000 people (a growth rate at half the national average for the 1990s). It appears the 1990s were an anomaly for Chicago. Since the year 2000, according to Census estimates, Chicago again continued its population decline with a loss of 63,000 from 2000 to 2006 leaving a total of 2,833,321.


Though 2000 was a somewhat positive year, that year’s Census numbers mask some rather disturbing trends. The white flight out of Chicago continued with 150,000 non- Hispanic white people leaving Chicago from 1990 to 2,000. African-Americans, for the first time, began leaving Chicago with a net loss of 5,000. The population gain in Chicago during the 1990s was due to Hispanics.

Here's another problem highlighted...

What is even more pronounced is the lack of white children in the public school system. The entire Chicago Public School is only 9 percent white . Not a single public school has a population that is majority white. Not one.

Recently, the stubborn facts of Chicago’s population decline made news. As CBS TV Chicago reported in January of 2008:

Half-empty schools are ‘unacceptable’ because they don't serve their students or the communities they're supposed to anchor, Mayor Richard M. Daley said Thursday, setting the stage for the biggest wave of school closings in decades.

Officials contend 147 of 417 neighborhood elementary schools are from half to more than two-thirds empty because enrollment has declined by 41,000 students in the last seven years. A tentative CPS plan calls for up to 50 under-used schools to close, consolidate with other schools or phase out over the next five years.

Most of the underused schools are on the South and West Sides, often where the student population is largely African-American, and in lakefront neighborhoods that include Lincoln Park, Lake View, Uptown and North Center.”

The situation isn’t any better in Chicago’s Catholic School System. The Chicago Tribune reported on February 27, 2007:

Nicholas Wolsonovich, superintendent of schools for the archdiocese, called the exodus from Chicago's Catholic schools ‘mind-boggling.’ In 1964, he said, some 500 schools were spread across the diocese, with about 366,000 students. Now, the system has 257 schools and fewer than 100,000 students. Over the last decade statewide, the number of Catholic schools has dropped from 592 in 1997 to 510 this year, according to figures released at the conference.

Chicago’s political elite love to give speeches about the importance of public education, but not for their children. Mayor Daley sent his children to private schools. Deborah Lynch, the former head of the Chicago Teacher’s Union, sent her kids to private schools. America’s newest political superstar, Barack Obama, sends his kids to private schools. With the exodus of the rich from Chicago’s public schools, 69 percent of the children in the Chicago Public School system are poor.

The horrible public schools, high taxes, and crime have driven families out of Chicago. The city’s job base cannot compete with anti-union places like Houston and Phoenix.

Let's talk a little about business in Chicago. Chicago and Cook County already has the highest sales tax in the nation but what might be the after effects of that and other taxes on businesses here...

Chicago’s high tax life style has driven businesses and jobs to the suburbs. Chicago is one ofthe only towns in America with an employee head tax on employment. Companies with over 50 employees must pay $4 a month per employee to the city. Most of the major corporate headquarters in the Chicago area are located in Chicago’s suburbs. Motorola, Walgreens, All State, Kraft, Anixter, Illinois Tool Works, McDonald’s, Alberta-Culver, and Abbott Labs all have their corporate headquarters outside city limits.

Recently, Chicago got its first Wal-Mart. In most places in America, politicians allow consumers to decide whether a business should fail or succeed. In Chicago, with the power of the unions, Chicago’s city council has made it difficult for Wal-Mart to open up any more stores. Chicago’s poor are relegated to paying higher retail prices and have less access to entry-level jobs. The adjacent suburb of Niles has the unusual distinction of being the only town in America (with less than 45,000 people) with two Wal-Marts. One of the Niles Wal-Marts is located right across the street from Chicago.

The largest employer in the city of Chicago is the Federal government. Followed by the City of Chicago public School system. Other major employers are the city of Chicago, the Chicago Transit Authority, the Cook County government, and the Chicago Park District. These thousands of government workers provide the backbone of the coalition for higher taxes, generous pensions and “political stability”.

Chicago’s political system is inefficient and costly. There are no term limits in Chicago. The Democratic Party has controlled the Mayor’s office since 1931(a big city record). There’s no opposition: Democrat’s control 49 out of 50 seats on the city council. Corruption is everywhere. Barely a month can go by without a major scandal. The FBI has the largest public corruption squad in the United States located in Chicago . Chicago voters don’t seem to care. Those who care about high taxes, good public schools, and low crime are a small minority in Chicago.

I just post this here because there are some things to consider here. Does anyone think the City of Chicago is in trouble? Does anyone think there might need to be some changes made in how the city is able to attract and retain businesses here?

This column concludes that low-tax and low-regulation Houston, Texas will over take Chicago in 15 years. Does anyone think that will happen?

Cross-posted at The Sixth Ward.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    This looks like more knee-jerk propaganda from the anti-tax cult. Yes, Chicago declined slightly in population. That's much better than most major cities that are declining rapidly. Go to a town like Kansas City and Detroit where downtown buildings sit empty. Then go to Chicago where new sky scrapers are being built. Chicago is doing great.

    I bet it scares the crap out of the Chamber of Commerce and the religion of hating taxes crowd to see Chicago disprove all their theology about low taxes being the first, last and only way to promote economic development.

    In what way will Houston surpass Chicago? Certainly not in quality of life. Look at the lack of public transportation, some of the highest pollution rates in the nation, and disgusting sprawl in Houston. Even if Houston gets bigger, it will never be a better place to live or visit in Chicago unless they make a dramatic change.

    Chicago is a world class city. Houston is the urban equivalent of a generic, ugly big box store. That's the result of corporate-conservative economic and city planning policies.

    And could you explain exactly why the lack of majority white schools is a "problem" for some people? Wow.

  2. will,

    Did you actually read the post? So Chicago is in decline, and your point is "yeah, but not as bad a Detroit".

    The hapless tax and spend regimes of Illinois politics do not serve the public. Other big cities do attract people. So why not fix it, instead of saying "but we're better than Detroit".


  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I grow tired of the false mantra that Chicago is better under Daley.

    1. There was an urban resurgence renewal nationwide with New York, Los Angeles, and even Cleveland getting makeovers, less crime, innovative policies. The New York renewal was much more dramatic and change from the status qou under than Mayor Guliani.

    2. Daley (like Clinton) inherited through no work of his own:
    a) a strong stock market
    partially due to
    b) the 90s internet and tech growth some in the form of a bubble.
    Some say that it is because of the internet (which the Department of Defense "invented") and the fiscal policies under Reagan and the economic growth already started under Bush I--I am not certain if that was true but it is interesting to discuss.

    3. What is UNIQUE, SPECIAL, DIFFERENT that Mayor Daley did not only compared to other cities as mentioned in #1 above but also compared if (I guess at least theoretically or academic) there was a MAYOR
    Washington did not die
    or Sawyer continued on as Mayor
    Eddie Vrdolyak
    Dick Mell
    Don Haider
    Bernie Epton
    Tim Evans
    Ed Kelly
    Ed Burke
    Tom Hynes
    or any host of other candidates.
    Many of the ideas that Daley gets credit for were from others
    flower pots from the late Netsch or Navy Pier from Jane Byrne or the Vietnam Memorial etc.

    4. Daley has been the most corrupt Mayor since William Thompson and the Capone era with insider deals and stealing that is bigger than ever in the history of any city on the planet (maybe absent some gulf oil state)
    Tim Degnan and the jobs and construction deals and trucking.
    Jeremiah Joyce and McDonalds, Haagen Daaz, O'Hare airport, the Cable deal etc
    Walsh Construction, McDonough construction, the Hanleys, the Duffs, and now onto international deal and higher end finance in Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns like Bill Daley, Patrick Daley, Vanecko etc.
    And that is just the Irish from the 11th and the 19th wards. All no bid, and not doing a good job, and obscene profits, no competition, sweetheart deals--let alone the mob connected guys like Tommy DiPiazza, Freddie Barbera, Michael Marchese (buying land for a dollar), the Bridgeport Village scandal, Hired Trucks, Mike Tadin etc.

    5. The Hiring Scandal goes deeper than just patronage or getting a precinct captain or somebody's cousin a job it goes to:
    a) that Daley lied and said it was a fair system and there were applications, and tests and interviews and Daley lied and it was a farce
    b) Daley did not reward the people who helped him and many people got hurt or cut out so that Daley could consolidate power so the rules of reward by politics were broken which is why there was not more of a defense of Sorich and Slattery or that HDO is so hated insofar as mostly 11 and 19 were taken care of and primarily one ethnic group--Irish.

    6. Chicago has for most of Daley's tenure as Mayor (with the exception of maybe 2 years out of almost 20 so for 17 years or so and 18 next year) been the murder capitol of the US (and maybe the world outside war zones and certainly the murder capitol of the western industrialized world) of any measurement including percentage and/or pure numbers.
    This with Daley's crying about gun control constantly and defending police scandals that included police under his leadership hiring other police to kill other police and police running drug rings and supposedly in the past but including in his tenure as State's Attorney and briefly as Mayor for the 1st two terms or less allegations of torture and not guilty death row inmates (many of whom were career criminals anyway) who had their testicles electrocuted.

    7. If you are monarchist or fascist than it doesn't matter but if Democracy is important than Daley is the worst example of a dictatorship and not caring about the will of the people than any Mayor in the United States (at least any major city) with no term limits (as have New York and Los Angeles), with unconstitutionally high signature requirements (25,000 which is 5 times higher than governor), strange voting machines with serious questions, and a politically connected election department including the late mother in law of the 11th ward alderman and politically connected lawyer Langdon Neal who makes tens of millions off of government with real estae especially the much abused eminent domain. Daley ripping up Meigs Field (COL McCormick was turning over in his grave), his rants aganst Alderman Fioretti, Joe More, and Brendan Riely are sick, unprofessional and shows Daley has no class.

    If you dig deep into the past of Daley (which the media gives a pass besides maybe occassionally Tim Novak of the Sun Times or John Kass of the Tribune) there are stories of the Fireman Quinn being the bagman and the Daleys pushing out the girlfriend and having Quinn sign everything over on his deathbed.
    The Daley investment into the Nuclear plants that ComEd bought out raised some eyebrows never to be thought of again.
    Richie Daley failing the bar exam and Vrdolyak bragging he got it fixed with Cecil Partee.
    Allegations about the personal life of Bill Daley.
    John Daley marrying the daughter of mobster and bookie Mary Lou Briatta and John Daley getting all the Hired Truck insurance and much other insurance but he had his insurance exam fixed that he could not pass it.
    Michael Daley at Daley and George on so many Chicago deals.
    Patrick Daley and his cousin Vanecko on the MSS (and other) deals or the past with the incident in Michigan where the kid went to the hospital after being baseball batted Bridgeport style (the same type of behavior which got Frankie Caruso--Tootsie Babes son a felony attempted murder) and other allegations of violence that have been covered up--but all you get is Sneed articles about how handsome Patrick Daley is or Bill Daleys birthday or how he is so great at some investment bank that would never allow any other John Marshall grad and bar failer.

    Daley is corrupt, petty, mean spirited and lacks class.
    Chicago is a great city in spite of Daley, and not because of him

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    In what way is Chicago in decline? I don't think the post makes the case. The lack of white schools and a slight decrease in population in one census is hardly evidence of a decline.

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM

    The examples of Kansas City and Detroit were to point out what a city in decline looks like. It doesn't involve a revived downtown and a growing economy, like Chicago.

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Chicago will not be safe, and not on the road to recovery until Rich and John Daley are imprisoned for a long sentence for criminal violations of the public trust.

    Richie is an illegally elected mayor. This was virtually proven through the federal cases highlighting how the patronage armies ILLEGALLY used city time and city sources to re-elect not only Richard but also his cronies.

    I agree with the writer above, fma, who stated "Daley is corrupt, petty, mean spirited and lacks class".


  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Really. Carl Segvich thinks the Daleys are bad. Go figure.

    Armed with hyperbole and a green compact covered in GOP bumper stickers, you continue your quest to take on the world. Or at least populate the Reader message board with your histrionics.

    Good luck.

  8. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Why do you need to have majority white schools in order to have good schools?

    Take a look at say Lenart. It might challenge your assumptions.
