Saturday, June 14, 2008

Daily Herald: Now Democrats are hurting themselves

Heck of a time to bring the Democratic National Committee to Chicago.

From yesterday's Daily Hearld editorial: Now Democrats are hurting themselves.
The impeachment memo, meantime, has the potential to further harm Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. If they aren't already, McCain's camp and the national media soon will be asking Obama what the heck he's doing about his party's mess in Illinois.

Obama is supposed to be ready to run the nation and yet, they will say, he can't exert any discipline or control over his now-former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright; his friend, the Rev. Michael Pfleger; and now over Madigan and the other Democrats who control our state.

Democrats in the state need some political leadership. It's time. It's an ideal time for Illinois Republicans to capitalize on this leadership gap and regain some ground. It's time rank-and-file Democrats throughout Illinois demand a change they can believe in.
Chicago's the last place I would have brought the DNC. Way to0 close to way too much baggage and all Fitz's Feds.

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