Friday, May 09, 2008

William Beavers asks Earl Dunlap: Do you own a suit?

From the Sun Times,
There's already a laundry list of problems at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, but so far no one has seen the wardrobe of its leader as a problem.

That changed Wednesday when county Commissioner William Beavers delivered a public dressing-down to its director, mockingly asking Earl Dunlap, "Do you own a suit?" while lecturing Dunlap that "your appearance commands respect" and that he's "supposed to be a role model."

Dunlap, wearing a white polo shirt tucked into Dockers pants, chimed back, "I command respect by the way I conduct myself," adding that "the last person I need to be judged by is you."

"I've got bigger fish to fry ... than whether I've got my Armani suit on," Dunlap told reporters later.
Bigger problems for sure, here is Austin Weekly News on the recent violence in Chicago.
For several years, doctors have argued that exposure to violence at young ages has a strong possibility of creating mental health problems, such as attention deficit disorder, depression, and post traumatic stress syndrome.

And perhaps the most startling belief of all is that kids who witness violence are prone to becoming violent.

"If you go into the neighborhood which has the highest homicide rate in Chicago, 75 percent of children have seen someone shot or stabbed," said Carl Bell, a psychologist and president of the Community Mental Health Council.

At least 38 people so far this year have been shot, and 15 people killed in the last week weeks. But these shootings aren't occurring late at night, in front of clubs, or at drug spots. Some are happening as kids walk to school and in broad daylight.
Democrats need to stop the war and they should start with the war right here at home. Maybe Beavers and the rest of the County Democrats should trade those expensive suits for ACU's and skip those expensive dinners with Auchi.

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