Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jill Morgenthaler and Daniel Frawley’s Companion Security in Iraq

Morgenthaler's site tells us,
In both Iraq and Afghanistan, I believe Congress must do a better job overseeing how US money is spent. The war in Iraq is costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars. Big money non-compete defense contracts are being consummated behind closed doors for the benefit of wealthy friends of the Bush Administration with little regard to need or budget considerations. At a time of fiscal uncertainty, I will go to Congress committed to ensuring that all taxpayer dollars are spent wisely.
Morgenthaler might want to start by explaining how deeply she was involved in Alsammarae and Frawley's plans for Iraq Reconstruction funds.
Alsammarae, who lives in the Chicago area and was a college classmate of Rezko, is a dual U.S.-Iraqi citizen. He left his post as Iraq's electricity minister in May 2005, about a month after Companion got the contract. Alsammarae was accused of financial corruption by Iraqi authorities and jailed in Iraq last year before escaping and returning here.

Companion's contract called for it to fly 150 Iraqis to the United States for police-type training. Among the subjects: how to shoot AK-47 rifles.

As Frawley sought to revive the contract in spring 2006, Blagojevich's chief of staff, John Harris, directed the state's homeland security adviser, Jill Morgenthaler, to find "a military site for the training of Iraqi police forces,'' Morgenthaler wrote in an April 26, 2006, e-mail. She wrote the letter in June 2006 offering the Savanna site.
Alsammarae knows, Frawely knows, Iraqi Politicians know... it's about time Morgenthaler told the people of Illinois what she knows about all of this.

And then, does she know anything about how Blackwater got their site in Illinois?

xp Bill Baar's West Side


  1. Anyone wanting to learn more about Blackwater, the private mercenary company with a training facility here in Illinois, can visit this website.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I don't think Morganthaler should be the one asking the questions but the answering them? What did she have to do with the Companion Security deal? Does she honestly think we beleive she didn't know Dan Frawley, Rezko, & Alsammarae were all partners? Who hired Cyncorp to assist in the escape of Alsammarae from the green zone in Iraq? Did she know that Obamas office had been contacted by his family to get Alsammarae out of Iraq? Did she know Alsammarae was found guilty in Iraq for stealing $650 million dollars from the U.S. and Iraq? Ask her how she feels about people like Daniel T. Frawley, Tony Rezko, Aihem Alsammarae who are stealing from the greatest of Americans, our soldiers so that they can line their pockets with the blood of our soldiers?

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Frawley is a donor to ALDERMAN MANNY FLORES who had a big real estate deal in MANNY FLORE'S WARD with DAN MAHRU.
    Look into the donors of MANNY FLORES starting with FRAWLEY and REZKO, look in all the accounts.
