Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Children's Museum Quote of the Week

I know its only Wednesday, but its going to be tough to top this one:
“They [our museum’s patrons] feel comfortable coming downtown….it has the distinction of not being on The Westside, The Southside, The Northside. Those distinctions do carry weight. They do mean that it’s in somebody’s neighborhood in a way that may make families feel like it’s not a place for them.” - Jennifer Farrington, Union League Club, May 6th
You've got to go 48 minutes in to actually here it, but yes, she actually said it.

Is this statement is overtly racist, covertly racist or does it simply reflect Ms. Farrington's ignorance of the fact that the Museum of Science and Industry located on the Southside and had 1.67 MILLION visitors in 2007, and 175 MILLION visitors in its 75 year history?

The Sun-Times ran this Zinger today:

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