Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Peraica: CBS 2 Chicago Report Shows Alvarez Connections to Fugitives and Insiders

Well I got an email from his campaign a few minutes ago. Hmmm, I think I should go find Alvarez and get on her emailing list. Anyway here's what you're likely to find in that vid...
First, CBS 2 Chicago reports that Cook County State's Attorney candidate Anita Alvarez - who ran as an "independent outsider" - relied on support from key members of the scandal-plagued Hispanic Democratic Organization (HDO) for her recent fundraiser. At that same fundraiser, Ms. Alvarez posed for a photo with fugitive from justice Jorge Montes de Oca - and that same photo appeared on the cover of last week's edition of El Dia newspaper.

In a move of shameless desperation, Ms. Alvarez labeled State's Attorney candidate Tony Peraica a "racist" for "insinuating" her ties to the HDO.

But, interestingly enough, Ms. Alvarez confirms those same ties to the HDO in a Daily Herald story this morning. Further, she confirms that not only did HDO leaders Eddie Acevedo and Tony Munoz attend her recent fundraising event - but that Acevedo helped emcee the event!
I wonder if this could help or hurt Peraica. Right now I don't know, but I wonder if someone out there is more determined to vote in Alvarez.


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Peraica won a lot of votes on this (But still cannot win).

    I was voting for Anita Alvarez (and voted for her in the primary but more as a protest vote for the Hispanic because Brookins seemed to radically anti-cop and Suffredin seemed like a shady lobbyist and Anita is Hispanic)

    HDO is not a pro Hispanic organization but is an anti-Hispanic organization that has hurt Hispanics like Anita Alvarez (HDO had Allen on their palm card like Sen Munoz in the 12th ward and Victor Reyes was making money off of Ald Howard Brookins)
    HDO hurt former Treasurer Miriam Santos, hispanic lawyer and environmentalist Nick Valadez in the 10th ward, MWRD Commissioner Frank Avila, US Senate Candidate Gery Chico--they disempower Hispanics and these are just a couple examples.

    HDO is not just about giving jobs to people illegally or patronage or ghost payrollers or unqualified people BUT
    DRUG DEALING, not rumors or innuendo or political attacks but actual guilty pleas in federal court like the heroin ring with 8 city workers connected to the Columbian Cartel with GEORGE PRADO
    PRADO who is Hispanic, part of HDO, gave money to HDO and Sen Munoz. The contribution coincided with his promotion. The father and brother of Munox work with Prado but nobody knew that there was an 8 member heroin dealing ring going on.
    There are a number of convicted drug dealers on the city payroll because of Acevedo, Munoz and Reyes--one being Gil Valadez.

    Hired Trucks--not rumor, innuendo, racism, dirty tricks or campaigning but an award winning investigation by Chicago Sun Times columnist and investigative journalist TIM NOVAK that turned into an investigation, indictment, and guilty pleas and convictions of a number of people including ANGELO TORRES of HDO (the compadre of Sen Tony Munoz) who like Munoz is a TWO SIX gangbanger who went from getting fired and stealing from a gang program at UIC and U of C to a city job (nobody checks references) and than from no education, gang membership, no procurement experience to the head of the Hired Truck program giving contracts to Mafia trucking companies who did no work and even stole asphalt.

    ANGEL TORRES plead guilty and was convicted in Hired Trukcs. Member of HDO.
    JOHNNY RESAS plead guilty in the jobs, patronage, perjury, falsification of documents scandal.
    He is in jail.
    AL SANCHEZ is under indictment waiting to go to trial.
    GEORGE PRADO plead guilty to heroin dealing.
    AARON DELVALLE is indicted and waiting to go to trial with SANCHEZ.
    VICTOR REYES has been named in these now public Federal (FBI/US Attorney) indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions and has been mentioned and identified as "Co-Schemer A" and mentioned many times related to Hired Trucks, Heroin dealing, and the Sullivan/Sorich/McCarthy/Slattery trial.

    Anita Alvarez should be investigating HDO, Victor Reyes, Eddie Acevedo, and Tony Munoz.

    Remember also that Eddie Acevedo is the police officer who punches other police officers, gets arrested, drives drunk, tries to take his car drunk out of the city pound (all public domain information in police reports and the Sun Times and Tribune and visual media TV)
    and the Miami escapade of fighting bouncers and police officers and than trying to throw weight around and the police saying they were acting like gangsters

    the criminal conduct of the criminal organization called HDO (the Hispanic Democratic Organization) is well documented
    not to mention intimidation of voters, civil rights violations, the 99 10th ward aldermanic race, the 2003 12th ward race, vote fraud and more

    Anita Alvarez should of never had a former (or maybe current) TWO SIX gang member to sponsor an event who is mentioned multiple times in the Hired Trucks and hiring investigations in the person of Tony (Antonio) Munoz.
    Anita Alvarez should never had the substance abusing, drunk driving, cover up of drunk driving (like his girl friend the State's Attorney lobbyist which made Springfield newspapers), adulterer and other substances being abused, violent, power abusing Eddie Acevedo as the MC (considering he is non lingual in English nor Spanish and cannot say a word of Spanish)
    or Victor Reyes and his deals at the CTA, conflict of interest, fixing contracts, or deals at the state, or intimidation, hiring gang members, working with convicted murderers, drug dealers etc

    Anita Alvarez should not only distance herself but should investigate and if possible indict these criminals.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    This will definitely help Peraica.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I am voting for Peraica.

    HDO should be kept out of politics.
    Drug dealers should not have influence.
