Tuesday, February 05, 2008


With the recent economic downturn, most of that national public policy debate has revolved around the economy. This culminated with the President’s State of the Union Address where he focused on ways to kick into gear the struggling economy.

A few weeks ago, the President visited Chicago to discuss the economy with business leaders. One of the fortunate people who attended these events was Sandra Westlund-Deenihan, President, of Quality Float Works, Inc. located in Schaumburg, Illinois. Sandy is a third generation manufacturer whose company has been experiencing record revenue growth in the midst of the lagging economy. Sandy was one of the few small businesses and woman owned businesses who had the opportunity to share her views with the President.

In and interview with the Daily Herald following her visit, Sandy shared her unique experience with the paper. The next morning, Sandy was a guest on WLS-AM Don Wade & Roma Show where she praised the President for his leadership on economic issues, but also outlined her concerns with the growing skills gap manufacturers – and all businesses – continue to face.

As Sandy said, she was the voice of small business and took this opportunity to carry the message to the President. When you think of the number of businesses that exist in the suburbs, you can understand her enthusiasm for this once in a lifetime opportunity. You also can think they must be doing something right at Quality Float Works, Inc.

Ryan McLaughlin
VP/Group Director
Zapwater Communications, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Is this an advertisement or a legitimate entry on this blog?

    A quick search shows that she's a Democratic contributor, with the exception of two contributions to Peter Roskam.
