Monday, February 04, 2008

Semi-Final Fundraising Totals

Cross posted, or soon to be, from ICPR's blog, The Race is On:

The most expensive race in the state looks to be the contest for the Democratic nomination for Cook County State's Attorney. There are six candidates vying for the nomination for this open seat; the winner will face Republican Tony Peraica in the fall.

State’s Attorney Democratic - $4,681,300
Allen, Tom - $1,311,500
Alvarez, Anita - $718,800
Brookins Jr, Howard - $665,000
Suffredin, Larry - $1,113,500
Milan, Robert- $836,600
Brewer, Tommy - $35,900

Next most expensive looks to the race for the Democratic nomination to the Cook County Board of Review in the 2nd District. This is a districted contest, covering one third of Cook County, mostly on the north side of Chicago and the northern suburbs. No candidates have filed for the nomination of other parties.

Board of Review, 2nd District (D) - $2,658,000
Berrios, Joseph (I) - $1,869,400
Deratany, Jay Paul - $788,600

Third most expensive is for the Democratic nomination to the Fifth District Appellate Cout. This race covers souothernmost 37 couonties in the state, reaching almost to Springfield, but not quite.

Fifth District Appellate Democratic - $1,400,600
Wexstten, James - $638,000
Cates, Judy $762,600

Rankings in the legislative races are largely unchanged from Friday; the 28th District moved up, but there are no new races here. The revised totals:

26th District Democratic - $692,800
Jeffries, Elga (I)- $31,300
Chadha, Paul - $87,000
Jackson, Philip - $60,300
Burns, William - $299,700
Johnson, Kenny - $214,500

25th District Democratic - $333,300
Currie, Barbara Flynn (I)- $336,300
Latiker, Sharon - $0

28th District Democratic - $262,800
Rita, Robert (I) - $164,600
Mayden, Michael - $1,300
Rayburn, Earick - $96,900
Caston, Pamela - $0
Taylor, James - $0

49th District Republican - $261,500
Schmitz, Timothy (I) - $178,300
Krenz, James - $83,200

9th District Democratic - $258,100
Walton, Dorothy - $12,400
Turner, Art (I) - $245,700

There was a similar shake up in the rankings in Senate races, but no new races broke in to the top. Appointed Incumbent Willie Delgado reported significant receipts over the weekend, moving the 2nd District race into 3rd place. The revised totals, counting cash on hand January 1, 2007 and all reported fundraising since:

Top Five Senate Contests

20th District Democratic - $774,200
Martinez, Iris (I)- $472,500
Bradley, Richard - $269,700
Guevara, Carlos - $31,900

5th District Democratic - $545,000
Hendon, Rickey (I)- $305,500
Bedi, Jonathan- $187,300
Mertens, Amy Sue - $52,200

2nd District Democratic - $372,200
Moreno, Proco "Joe" - $150,700
Delgado, William (A-I) -$221,500

36th District Democratic - $323,000
Rumler, Paul - $29,800
Jacobs, Mike(I)- $293,200

41st District Republican - $269,100
Radogno, Christine (I)- $246,400
Abbott, Greg - $11,000
Bartoz, Brian- $11,800

For more information about contributions to all of these campaigns, visit ICPR’s website ( and the Sunshine Database, a powerful search tool and the only database that has standardized the names of all donors to Illinois candidates. The webiste also is home to the Illinois Voters’ Guide, a non-partisan guide to candidates running for seats on the Illinois supreme, appellate and circuit courts, as well as information on where candidates stand on reform issues and who signed the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

We'll take another look at fundraising totals after the elections, but check back in July for the "final final" expenditure numbers.