Monday, February 18, 2008

Phyliss Schlafly at DePaul on Tuesday

Conservative icon, and onetime Illinois Congressional candidate, Phyllis Shlafly will be speaking at DePaul University on Tuesday. Little Marathon Pundit has a 4:00pm doctor's check up in Glenview, after that's over, I'm heading down to DePaul's Lincoln Park campus to listen in.

Mrs. Schlafly is best known for her leadership of the Eagle Forum, and of course, her successful opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and 1980s.

The event begins at 7:00pm, and will be held at the Cortelyou Commons is located at 2342 N. Fremont Street, on Chicago's North Side.

After the presentation, Schlafly will sign copies of her books, and she's written a lot of them, that will be available for purchase.

Schafly's appearance is courtesy of the DePaul Conservative Alliance, and coincides with the annual performance at DePaul (this is getting real old) of "The Vagina Monologues."

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