Thursday, February 14, 2008

Middle East online: Auchi's win win for Chicago

British tycoon remains bullish on Chicago development
Auchi: Riverside Park project to create 10,000 new construction jobs; it is a win-win for Chicago.
When Rezko contacted him about a potential land deal in one of America’s greatest cities, Auchi says the idea piqued his interest.

Auchi was impressed by Rezko who, in 2004, appeared to have the confidence of the business and public leadership in Illinois. During Auchi’s brief visit to Chicago, Rezko introduced him to prominent business leaders and elected officials as Auchi familiarized himself with the marketplace first-hand.


In addition to his success as a global businessman, Auchi is widely lauded as a distinguished civic and charitable leader. In fact, when traveling to any given country, he is typically invited to meet the head of state. As a result, he was surprised that some in the press took issue that he had met with the Illinois governor during his 2004 visit to the United States.
Darn Rezko suckers everybody, even an Iraqi Donald Trump.


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Is there any footage anywhere of Rezko being interviewed or just talking?

    Because, based on what the guy's done he must be really persuasive and/or charming and I'd like to see if I can pick that up from him.

  2. Blagojevich, Auchi, all the rest, just swooned at Rezko's charm I guess.

    We'll here tapes soon enough during the trail...I bet Rezko doesn't sound so charming on those.
