Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Illinois Dems Wrong Again

Remember how moving the primary election from the third week of March to the first week of February was going to increase the significance of Illinois in national politics?

Well, it didn’t happen.

Very little money was spent here.

If there were any TV ads, I missed them. That would have been easy, since the television screen isn’t the one I sit in front of.

In any event, Time online came up with this observation that fits like a glove:
But one thing is a surprise for the Democrats:
all the big states that rushed into the void to hold early primaries may turn out to have spoken too soon. Instead of making themselves kingmakers, their divided result has abdicated the power to the states that waited their turn.”
Here are my predictions of a year ago. Some actually turned out to be correct.


  1. I wonder if this was about being a kingmaker or higher turnout. If I understand correctly Madigan wanted to help the chances of Barack Obama. I would suppose that he did exactly that. Madigan may have done this for rather cunning reasons. Now that you mention it.

  2. Well, the bears weren't in the Super Bowl. oh well...

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Wow Cal,

    Yours is a headline in search of a story. I'm not sure which of your Nostradamus-like predictions came true, but turnout was high, particular Dem turnout and as far as I can tell, challengers didn't do well regardless of funding.

    What am I missing? How were "Illinois Dems Wrong Again?"

  4. Actually, R turnout was pretty good, too.

  5. Cal, this was all about Madigan doing something to boost Obama's chances at taking the nomination. I thought that was pretty clear when he did it. Do you only listen to yourself and your hairbrained "predictions"?

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    McCain and Obama ran ads pretty much the whole week leading up to the primary, heck, McCain's were still running after polls had closed.

  7. Anonymous6:14 PM


    Keep telling yourself that.

    Yes, GOP turnout was pretty good. But it also exponentially underperformed that of Dems -- even in "traditionally" red areas.

    And yes, Bridget and 47th, you've hit the nail on the head. Cal's trying to invent a story where none actually exists. Must help take the sting out of how poorly his Republican and conservative friends did on Tuesday.

  8. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Frank Coconate lost the 41st Ward in the Chicago Primary. Sad but true. Brain Burkross helped his mega lose. Wow.

  9. And, the incumbents weren't protected.

