Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Democratic Party Rules on indicted super delegates

Anyone know what the rules are for super delegates under indictments at the convention?

I understand they might be asked to contact Illinois for McCain's Jim Durkin to volunteer for this opening.

Per yesterday's JG-TC online on the now a McCain delegate Kirk Dillard's ads for Obama,
Last summer, McCain cracked, "Maybe we'll ask (Dillard) to cut a spot for us, although I don't have quite as much money as Sen. Obama does."

McCain's Illinois campaign chief, state Rep. Jim Durkin, R-Western Springs, said more recently he won't be cutting commercials with Dillard "anytime soon."

"I think at the appropriate time, I'll find a suitable Democrat to make suitable comments about Sen. McCain," he said. "Democrats for McCain, I am going to work on that."
Democrats for McCain...I think that's how Democrats will try to unload the indicted....good luck with that.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Lots of Latinos are going to go with McCain. I for one am offended that the papers are saying that Latinos are racist because many are not voting for Obama. Maybe it is because we don't know Obama and he had done anything for our community or anything at all.
    McCain has a great history with Latinos.

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "he papers are saying that Latinos are racist because many are not voting for Obama"

    Link, please. I've read plenty of stories, and have yet to read anyone suggesting Latinos are racists for not voting for Obama.

    You'll have to have at your straw men on a board where no one bothers to pay attention.

    And Bill, what do indictments have to do with superdelegates and Mccain? Are there superdelegates you know of who are under indictment? Are they leaning toward McCain?

    To call this fuzzy logic assumes that it is logical at all.

  3. I just wondered what Democrat's rules were for indicted super delegates showing up at the convention.

    Since Durkin is looking for Democrat turncoats, I just thought the party might ask indicted super delegates to flip and disassociate from their candidate.

    I have a feeling they'll be hard to shake though.

  4. Lorena -

    To assert that Latinos aren't going for Obama is absurd.

    When you consider that one year ago, Clinton held what could best be portrayed as a 100-0 lead among Latinos, its clear that Latinos, like many other voters, are moving Obama's way.

    Secondly, as has already been reported, the racist notion that Latinos don't vote for blacks is absurd. But its an absurdly racist idea that's being pushed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

    Finally, you're wrong when you say that Obama hasn't done anything for the Latino community. Here's just a few:

    - Sponsored and passed legislation against racial profiling;

    - Sponsored and passed legislation requiring videotaping of police interrogations;

    - Sponsored and passed legislation expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit;

    - Supported legislation allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver's licenses;

    - Worked with John McCain to craft and pass immigration reform;

    - Opposed the Central American Free Trade Agreement because it lacked protections for Latin American workers;

    Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton called for deporting immigrants in South Carolina.

  5. When you say "sponsored" do you mean "co-sponsored"... along with hundreds of other members who simply attached their name to a bill?

    And when you say "supported" or "opposed" , that is hardly what I would consider to be heavy-lifting on a piece of legislation. But I guess I should be impressed that Obama actually showed up for a floor vote.

    You seems desperate to make it look like Obama is substantive or that he has done something in the Senate other than run for President. We know that is not the case.

  6. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Obama will lose many Hispanic votes to John McCain.
    Just do a google search fan and you will see the newspapers calling Latinos racist.
    Hilary is winning the Latino vote.

    Barack Obama is a creation of the media and liberals. He does not resonate with most blue collar Democrats nor Hispanics.
    His popularity was created by the media top down and not bottom up (at least outside of Illinois).
    He has no real credentials nor accomplishments.
    Hispanics were not given the memo by the liberal white masters.

  7. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Clinton and McCain are obviously better known among Latinos across the country and have an edge right now. However, I believe Obama would do well with many Latino voters as the Democratic nominee once they get to know him better.

  8. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Mary Mitchell has said she thinks racism is a reason for less Latino Barack support.

    When this year started, I thought the Democrats would win in a walk. Now, anyone who's not a political rookie can see that if Barack is the nominee, it'll basically be Barack winning all the Kerry states plus Iowa and McCain winning all the Bush states (minus Iowa). Ohio will be the only competitive state, and John McCain could very well have the edge there. If Hillary wins, Florida will also be in play.

    The Democrats seem poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Well done.

  9. Anonymous11:39 PM

    McCain won't win Hispanics, but he'll keep it within single digits. Might be helped by people thinking an Irish last name means he's Catholic.

    I heard that Obama is running ads in TX in Spanish that he should be supported because he worked in the community rather than get a big paycheck after college. Ask any Hispanic (or really any working class person) how they'd feel if they're kid made that choice after they've busted their ass to get him or her through college and law school and they'd go red in the face.

  10. Anonymous7:18 AM

    There were estimated 500,000 to 1 million Mexicans who served in World War II. While the current military participation levels are not higher than population levels, front line casualities are and Marine participation are.
    Senator John McCain is a real man a man who knows suffering with 5 years in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" where was imprisoned and tortured. Barack Obama has no significant life experience.
    McCain can be trusted to fight terrorism and do the right thing in Iraq. McCain has a history of personal and real friendships with Mexicans like Everett Alvarez, the longest serving POW in Vietnam and dealing with issues in Arizona.
    Barack Obama is a typical namby pamby liberal. I would want a man like John McCain in my foxhole.
    I want a man like John McCain as Commander in Chief.

    Mexicans are going for John McCain.
    Democrats are going for John McCain.

  11. "Opposed the Central American Free Trade Agreement because it lacked protections for Latin American workers" is laughable. Obama opposes free trade because he is a Leftist stuck in the economics of 1971.

    Sensible people know that trade improves both sides, consumer and producer. Obama is not one of them.


  12. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Obama is neither consumer nor producer?
