Friday, January 18, 2008

Oberweis Immigration Mailer

America doesn't need divisive ads in war time.

If you support Free Trade in goods, capital, and services, then you should support the free movement of labor. Every citizen of a NAFTA / CAFTA signatory nation should be entitled to reside and work in the US if they have a legit job offer.

We don't need ten million people working here illegally. We need ten million people working here as allies from Free and Democratic nations.

The last thing we need at war time is a politican trying to pit free people against each other.


  1. What does your comments have to do with this mailer? There was no attacking. There was no pitting free people against each other. Instead, there is talk that we need to stop illegal immigration.

    Why are you making these comments like this was a divisive ad?

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    You make an excellent point, Bill, and I think I can understand how the mailer prompted it: "We need ten million people working {legally} HERE as allies from Free and Democratic nations.

    The US is a big place, and "the more the merrier" says it all about us. Would that help solve so many of our current problems.

    Well done, Bill! I hope people can read between the lines.

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I'll add, too, at the risk of sounding paranoid, that wars are no longer solely fought on the battlefield. Anyone who has been paying attention to what's going on in business knows that many of us in the trenches are fighting each and every day to defend the American Dream. I think that people sometimes just have to get out more often to get a good idea of what's really going on.

  4. Anonymous12:53 AM

    First of all, what makes you think that those who support enforcing our immigration laws support NAFTA & CAFTA??? Those treaties send countless jobs out of our economy, and illegal immigrants compete for the few jobs that are left. Also, they would never leave, and people supporting your argument would be clamoring to let all of Mexico's millions of citizens stay here permanently, not just work here.

    Secondly, even if one did support these treaties, what do goods & services have to do with "labor", as you term it? In your example, "labor" means illegal aliens (or legal aliens, if you had your way. Our labor market would be in the toilet if we let every Mexican national who wanted to work here do so. Ever hear of supply and demand?

    Sheesh, your argument makes no sense. Also, I don't see what it has to do with an Obie mailer. A bit of bait & switch on your part.

    Oh, and its "then you should support", not "than."

  5. First of all, what makes you think that those who support enforcing our immigration laws support NAFTA & CAFTA???

    I only know Oberweis supports Free Trade and NAFTA / CAFTA...I heard him say so.

    Secondly, even if one did support these treaties, what do goods & services have to do with "labor", as you term it?

    Capital and Labor create Goods and Services... that's what economics are all about...using Capital and Labor to create wealth... why just contrict labor if you think all should move freely in a gloabl economy?

  6. "then you should support", not "than."

    You must be Foster-smartest-kid in the class reader...

    I'll fix.

  7. Anonymous11:14 AM

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  8. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I want to ask people like Mr. Oberweis what they propose to do, after they have beamed all of the “illegals” across the border, with the 5,000,000 or so empty residences that will be left behind. Won’t that add even more pain and misery to the real estate market.

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    So taking the last comment about real estate a step further, doesn't it make more sense to have more legal and screened workers come here v. continuing to send the large number of jobs we're sending overseas?

    Doing so would keep wages more competitive and would allow those folks to contribute to our economy directly.
