Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dr. Strangelove in the 14th: more Bill Foster mailers

Foster continues the Scientist-above-the-fray frame with the latest mailer.

My fellow Unitarian Universalist, and former Clinton Administration Secretary of Defense, William Perry (UU's contributed three past SecDef's in the past few years: William Perry, William Cohen, and Elliot Richardson) joined former Clinton Administration Assistant Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter in June 2006 calling for this preemptive attack,
...if North Korea persists in its launch preparations, the United States should immediately make clear its intention to strike and destroy the North Korean Taepodong missile before it can be launched.
I'd argue one reason Bush didn't preemtively attack was the success of Reagan's Star War's investment. The successful missle interceptions reduced risk of the threat from North Korea.

As a Scientist, I wish Bill Foster would comment about this huge investment in Science which seems to have paid off peacefully. Will he vote to continue in Congress, or change? That's a bit of success in Washington we should bicker over before making changes.

The mailer,


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Bill Baar's criticisms of Bill Foster and promotion of John Laesch should tell any halfway intelligent Democrat everything he or she needs to know about who will give the GOP the biggest run for their money.

    Bill Foster can beat the GOP candidate, whether it's Lauzen or Oberweis. Little John Laesch cannot.

  2. Laesch v Lauzen simply the best contest between two guys with clear platforms.

    If you like a clash of ideas, that's the contest you want to see.

    If you want mumbo jumbo you're for Foster.

    If you want an immigrant basher, and a guy who'd biometric the rest of us, you're for Oberweis v Foster.

    Me, I want the clash of ideas.

    Lauzen favored maybe, but I don't buy the Laesch as unelectable eccentric frame Foster people selling.

    Laesch has been a consistent advocate of a dominate view of the Democratic Party. I think that view deserves a fair hearing before voters.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Foster does look a little like Peter Sellers' Dr. Strangelove character, dont'cha think?

  4. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Laesch and Lauzen are the kind of guys you will see at the supermarket buying groceries.

    Foster and Oberweis would be likely to send a minion out shopping for them.

  5. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Laesch v. Lauzen would be a great match-up...can we get rid of the two bozos who cashed in one of their mutual funds to buy a congressional seat?!?

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Let's see. A Democrat who wants to put more emphasis on science, address health care costs and support wind and solar power.

    I can see why such a candidate would be scary for a neo-con like Bill and why he would try to confuse the issues in this primary.

    This Foster guy sounds pretty good to me.

  7. ...address health care costs...

    Right, Foster addresses, and we gotta figure out what he means.

    I wanna ask him if he's so smart why ain't he rich; except he is rich.

    So we have a rich rocket scientist, and a rich ice cream maker in the 14th, and a lot of Democrats at least will trade Laesch's clarity e.g. Medicare for all, for a guy who will address health care costs because he's got bucks to self-finance.

    Somehow, I don't think that's smart. If it is, it's without heart.

    Give me the Laesch Lauzen debate any day over Foster's address.

    Health care would be a good one because I've heard both Laesch and Lauzen explain solid sets of ideas.

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Good, God. How can anyone who has been paying attention want Lauzen to win?
    Let me get to the point: Chris Lauzen DOESN'T CARE about YOU unless your last name is ROESER.

  9. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I would like to get at least one mailer. Not that I like the clutter in my mailbox, but at least I would know that one candidate realizes there are voters in southeast Kendall County.

  10. I'm getting a bunch...some addressed to my kids.
