Friday, November 30, 2007

UPDATE: Blagojevich receives birthday presents of Facebook support for healthcare

Wow. What a difference a day and a blog post makes!

Only a day after I pointed out that Gov. Rod Blagojevich was all alone on Facebook in his holy Web 2.0 crusade to get the people of Illinois healthcare, he's received 169 additional supporters for his group, "I Support Healthcare."

(Click images for full screenshots)


And.... after:

Looks like some of the 2,148 "Friends of Blagojevich" decided to take my advice and give him an early birthday present (much more preferred over Facebook gifts). Keep it up guys!

Wait, what's that? He doesn't have 2,148 friends anymore?

Why did this unknown supporter leave? I've got a theory: Maybe it was because Blagojevich prefers watching the Blackhawks game instead of watching a "rigged" game in the Illinois House.

(Cross posted to my blog. E-mail me or Facebook me!)


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    I did a side-by-side comparison of the before and after list of supporters.

    It seems the individual who left was someone named "MJ Madigan - 'M-Dawg'"

  2. Rich: I'm "lol-ing" as well. It's so petty, yet, there's this insane surge of support for the program all of a sudden. Do they (as in the governor's inner circle) honesty care about what the governor's Facebook status is? If so, that's absolutely hilarious to me. It's probably the most absurd ego boost they could give to a blogger... ever.

  3. Anonymous5:18 AM

    How much you want to bet that those listed "supporters" are really inner circle paeons, using photo-shopped photos? No one believes this administration anymore, even the supposed "supporters" in Chicago.
    Go away, Milarod!!!!!

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I'll tell you what you can believe.....
    Rod Blagojevich will be going to prison for a long long time.

  5. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Government in Illinois is completely broken. Politicians reign supreme while thumbing their noses at the public. There is ample shame to go around for both Illinois Democrats and Republicans who have sold out for generations to enhance their status and wealth as well as their families and pay to play "friends". All at the expense of the citizens of Illinois. Talk about robbing the poor! Politicians in Illinois are robbing everyone as well. Now that Democrats pretty much control everything, they also have complete ownership of this mess. They have the power to fix it or maintain the evolution to the slimiest common denominator. When will Illinois cleanup this awful, repugnant mess? The issues are endless - No budget, irresponsible spending and tax proposals, out of control benefits for government workers, most unfriendly state for retired persons, bloated state pension fund benefits and the list goes on. It is time for a good old American Revolution in Illinois!
