Monday, November 05, 2007

E. St. Louis hires two ex-cons with vote buying convictions

Vote fraud is a serious problem in this country, and the bald truth is that most vote fraud is committed by Democrats.

Shortly after the 2004 general election, federal investigators began looking into allegations that the East St. Louis Democratic Party was paying voters $10 to vote "the right way" on election day.

Several East St. Louis officials were convicted fro their roles in the scheme. Two have served their sentence, and have comfortably found work--with the City of East St. Louis.


Sheila Thomas apparently has been hired recently as a part-time city secretary, and Jesse Lewis was brought on as an inspector in the city's Department of Regulatory Affairs.

Both were sentenced last year to prison for their roles in a scheme to pay local voters to cast ballots in the 2004 general election.

Now, Councilmen Delbert Marion and Roy Mosley say the two betrayed the public trust and shouldn't be back on the city's payroll.

Mayor Alvin Parks says he's all right with the hirings.

Some lucky voters, in addition to receiving cash, also got liquor and cigarettes to exercise their right to vote.

Related Marathon Pundit posts:

East St. Louis vote fraudster found guilty of improper asbestos removal

Convicted vote thief joined by top local Dems at his pre-prison going away party

East St. Louis blues

Hat tip to Cal Skinner at the McHenry County Blog

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