Friday, October 05, 2007

Unbelievable Texas Legislators

Perhaps they do this in the Illinois General Assembly as well or perhaps any other state legislature, but one thing is for sure Illinois isn't the only state where this type of voting happens.


  1. Yes, Levois.

    They do do this in Illinois... In fact, Rich just posted about someone "accidentally" voting in a surprising way for Rep. Jay Hoffman.

  2. But, in Illinois the only Democrat I ever saw voting a Republican switch was Mike Madigan, back in the days when Chicago had a fair number of Republicans. He just walked over and changed the Republican's vote from one way to the other.

  3. Anonymous6:28 AM

    A pox on all their houses, no matter the state.

  4. Anonymous7:33 PM

    It's been ever thus. I'm sure it still happens & in the old days some legislators on the back row had a long stick that they could hit the "green" or "red" button for a friend or seat mate & never leave their seat. One used a paperclip as I recall.
