Friday, October 12, 2007

New Lenox's Tim Baldermann on Springfield's proven dysfunction

Considering Durbin's well said comment,
"I wish I could blame the Republicans, but I can't figure out how to do it," Durbin joked. "I hope that they'll come to their senses and that the Democratic leaders down there will get together and compromise."
You have to wonder how far Republican's can ride the fiasco in Springfield for gain,
In announcing his entrance into the race for the 11th Congressional District seat Wednesday, New Lenox Mayor Tim Baldermann took aim at state Sen. Debbie Halvorson, D-Crete, who also is seeking the open seat.

Baldermann slammed Halvorson, who is the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, for serving in a leadership role in the General Assembly at a time when the legislature has been mired in a bitter, record-setting overtime session.

“Our federal government has problems, but the last thing we need is to have the proven dysfunction of Springfield infect Washington,” Baldermann said.

Halvorson said Baldermann should keep his focus on his Republican counterparts.
Halvorson wishes she could blame Republicans too.

xp Bill Baar's West Side


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    To me it’s obvious that Baldermann will never win this election. I know people sometimes choose to take the low road, and I guess that is his/her choice, but right out of the gate. He started his campaign by trying to insult an opponent; doesn't he have anything good to say about himself? I guess I am just biased, I feel that people who take the negative route treat the public like they are morons. I am just happy that Senator Halvorson is continuing to do what she always has, keep it positive.

  2. I am just happy that Senator Halvorson is continuing to do what she always has, keep it positive.

    She's bungling the positives in Springfield.

  3. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Baldermann's large donations from Bill Beavers are curious.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Nice political strategy by Democrats to discredit Balderman (send Balderman campaign donation from alderman Beavers).Very clever!
    Debbie Halvorson major negatives: 1)She has always been a lackey for Emil Jones. She can't think for herself. She allowed herself to be a "gopher" for Rod & Emil.
    Tim Balderman major negatives:
    1) Endorsed and supported by Congressman Jerry Weller & former New Lenox Mayor Mike Smith. Campaign contribution "accepted" from Democrat Alderman William Beavers.

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Jason Wallace is seeking the Green Party's nomination for this office; and he has been collecting signatures on a petition in order to get onto the ballot. Wallace is a veteran who served in the Illinois Air National Guard, including duty in Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005. He also founded the Central Illinois Bill of Rights Defense Committee, which is dedicated to educating the public about the balance between security and freedom.

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    If Halvorson were to beat Baldermann, who would the Illinois Democrats replace her with in the Illinois Senate? She had that state senate seat sewn up. John Anderson from Monee would seem to be their most likely candidate. Who else would there be for a strong Democrat candidate for Halvorson's senate position?

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Anyone who knows Baldermann will not be suprised by these types of tactics. He conducted himself the same way during the mayoral campaign, a campaign he claims to have needed $50,000 in order to get his message across that he was not like Mike Smith. His contributors will demand very careful scrutiny by the public and Jay Stewart.

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Tim Balderman is a crafty one. Think of it. Cook County Commissioner Beavers drops a big donation for no reason? You people are politically inept.

    Of course, Beavers wants something. Maybe influence? Could there be jobs in the Chicago Ridge Police Department? Maybe contracts in New Lenox? Wow, what about if Beavers had easy access to Washington DC through his favorite possible US Congressman?

    Tim Beavers Balderman gets two paychecks from the US taxpayers. Now he wants a third. It's a good deal for Balderman. He gets three taxpayer funded paychecks and Beavers gets the jobs, contracts and influence.

  9. Anonymous7:54 PM

    GOP moneymen are red flagging Tim Balderman and not answering his fundraising calls. His history of Chicago Democrat support is the nail in his coffin. Illinois GOPers are tired of how the Chicago Democrats have guided this state down the fiscal toilet. GOP moneymen won't support a candidate the Chicago Dems have in their back pocket.

  10. Anonymous7:38 AM

    The GOP should have looked into Baldermann's political ties before jumping with him. They should cut their losses early and focus on a quality individual.

  11. Anonymous2:04 PM

    go to this website and learn about Mr. Baldermann locally.....

    check out all of the topixs in that you'll say

  12. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Oh boy, no one is more of a mess than Tim Baldermann. That man has more skeletons in his closet than Jerry Weller himself!

    If he thinks he can pull the wool over our eyes, he better think again. We need to move in the opposite direction in this district; he's proven that.

  13. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Illinois 11th District Congressional Candidate Jimmy Lee signs the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

    Utica, IL– Jimmy Lee, a Republican running to replace retiring Congressman Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) for Illinois's 11th Congressional District seat, recently signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). The Pledge commits signers to "oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses ... and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

    ATR has offered the Pledge to all candidates for federal office since 1987. To date, President George W. Bush, 42 U.S. senators, and 196 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed the Pledge. Additionally, seven Governors and over 1,200 state legislators have signed the Pledge as well.

    "Americans are looking for candidates committed to fiscal responsibility and pro-growth economic policies," said Grover Norquist, president of ATR. "By signing the Pledge, Jimmy Lee demonstrates that he possesses the qualities hard-working taxpayers nationwide are so desperate to find in their candidates. I applaud him for his leadership and dedication to the ideals of limited government."

    Jimmy Lee states, "As the next Congressman of the 11th District, I will fight for the taxpayers of our district so that hard working American families can save and invest more for their future. Small businesses will be encouraged to grow, create more jobs and add to the economic development our district desires."

    Copies of the Pledge are available at


  14. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Based on financial disclosures on Tim Baldermann’s D2s, we can see that liberal Democrat Cook County Commissioner Beavers is not only Tim Baldermann's single largest supporter and donor, but if you look carefully -- you will also see that New City Bank is also a supporter of Tim Baldermann.

    Who would guide the support of this small bank, New City Bank, and order and approve the donations? Why, look on who is on the board of directors -- why it’s Tim Baldermann’s political godfather Beavers.

    For those who don’t know, liberal Chicago Democrat and Cook County Commissioner Beavers has been a true leader of the liberal movement in Illinois. Beavers has been on the front lines fighting for taxpayer funded abortions at Cook County hospital. Beavers believes than no man, woman or law abiding family should have the right to own, purchase or carry a firearm. Beavers is a strong advocate for tax payer funded reparations to African Americans, because of slavery during the colonial days centuries ago. He was recently on the front page of the Chicago Sun Times fighting to raise taxes – to do otherwise, in his words, “would be racism.” Tim Baldermann’s political godfather and biggest supporter in the last decade is nowhere near being a conservative and no where near being a Republican. Would someone like Beavers support a true conservative and true Republican?
    This is the leader Tim Baldermann looks to for support, advice and political volunteers – but he doesn’t want the rest of the GOP to know. You cannot hide behind what is disclosed.

    Could it be possible that Beavers is pulling the strings of Tim Baldermann for a Halverson easy win? This is a set up right under our Republican noses.
