Saturday, October 13, 2007

Independent Trustees for Stroger Hospital

Why should anyone believe the players in this blue-ribbon panel?

If they had been talking like this about Cook County (calling Stroger UnAmerican maybe? for denying Cook County indigent FDR's third of the four freedoms.) well I might buy their line.

But why should the people of Cook County have any more confidence in a panel Sen. Durbin was instrumental in creating, compared to the Democrat's majority of commissioners elected to run Stroger Hospital?

At least the people of Cook County elected Stroger and the commissioners. They should do their job and then face reelection. Not hide behind panels and trustees. American Pols should have more courage.
"To turn the county health system around, we need to begin by restoring public trust in the administration of the system," said Lindall. "And that can best, and perhaps only, be done with truly independent and expert outside administration."

[Quentin] Young agreed. "We have to point out the absolute incompetence and corruption … of county government," Young said. "The public … has no confidence in that agency."
What rock has Young been under?
Chicago Sun-Times, Oct 23, 2006

In the March Democratic primary, Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn and Dr. Quentin Young stood with Forrest Claypool as their choice for Cook County Board president, over incumbent John Stroger. Sunday, the two endorsed John Stroger's son, Democrat Todd Stroger, over Republican Tony Peraica, who they said would bring cuts to county health care programs reminiscent of federal cuts to health care made by President Bush. Their boost to Stroger came on the same day Peraica was endorsed by the Daily Southtown and Daily Herald newspapers and Stroger was endorsed by the Chicago Sun-Times. The election is Nov. 7.

1 comment:

  1. Dr Young may be neither the least biased nor the most consistent in his view of Cook County and its health systems. Just so I'm sure I'm following, a year ago he endorsed the guy running the government that he now calls absolutey incompetent and corrupt. Hmmm! He needs to remember we can't even have an argument unless he picks one side or the other and sticks with it.
