Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Coprez Coffie and the Chicago PD

ST on Chicago's settlement with Mr. Coffie,
The Chicago Police Department has agreed to pay $4 million to a 23-year-old man who says police shoved a screwdriver into his behind.

The announcement came moments after a jury of nine women and men ruled that they believed Coprez Coffie over the two police officers who testified they had no idea where that screwdriver in their squad car's glove compartment came from.
I wish Sen Durbin had used his clout to form a panel to look at CPD instead of Cook County's health system. It's going to take more than an independent commission to sort this department out.

PS behind? The jury found the Police shoved a screwdriver into Mr. Coffie's rectum. They should tell their readers that.


  1. Call me cynical, but my guess is that many "readers" wouldn't understand the word "rectum".

  2. If so, then this a case where ass would have bee appropriate.

    Behind trivializes what the jury found here.

    This wave of disgust hit me as I read this and then I just got angrier with the word behind to describe what the they did to this man.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    The question is when will this administration (meaning Mayor Daley) finally get around to dealing with all of the other police brutality cases that they have dragged around in court for years? Isn't that just another form of torture?

  4. Anonymous9:03 PM


    You keep trying to bring Durbin into every local fight, and while it's arguably fair game, it's also boring.

    The police brutality scandal is worth blogging about, and everyone should be concerned about it. Dragging Durbin into for your own partisan reasons simply diminishes Daley's culpability. It doesn't tarnish Durbin. You do Illinoize readers a disservice by making these unique issues an excuse for you to spew national partisan talking points.

    And yes, I know you don't receive anyone's talking points. But still...

    and yet...'ll find a way to defend your tactics.

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    47th Ward makes a good point Bill. We're getting tired of your Fox News sliming routine.

  6. Durbin staked out the ground on abuse and torture.

    He got involved in Cook County and started the commission to study how it's managed.

    Seems fair to me. If it's tiresome for you, well, that's what the scroll bar is for.
