Monday, October 29, 2007

Bridget's G I Jill Roundup

Well, I wish Bridget would have posted it here too. I'm curious what the Colonel will say too.

Bridget does a round up of blogger's posts and I think it's fair to say the netrooters are left perplexed. There hasn't been much coverage and Bridget gets just about all of it linked.

I'm not too surprized. It think it's going to be General Clark for VP too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That's right! Support a Nazi Skinhead. I have pics. I will dig them up and I will post them. Her in her Dr. Martins giving the Hitler salute.

    Ask her, maybe she'll tell the truth. She hung with the NHS,Northeren HAmmer Skins. I know, I was there!
