Thursday, October 04, 2007

Austin Weekly News: Democrats host budget hearing

AWN on a meeting over at the Austin Town Hall, and a good reason why Conservatives should chuck the balanced budget talk and get behind people who want to use money to get rid of some bureaucracy
Speakers at last Wednesday's hearing, many of whom are opposed to specific cuts, expressed frustration at the loss of much needed state funding.

"It was not an angry or volatile atmosphere at the hearing but people were certainly frustrated," said Don Redmond, a member of Parents for School Choice, after the hearing.

Parents for School Choice specifically opposes the $3.5 million the governor vetoed from the budget, which was allocated towards the funding of charter public schools in Chicago.

"I have two children at a charter school up north and am a firm believer in giving parents a choice of where to send their kids," said Redmond, who lives in North Lawndale. "These cuts rob the parents of having that choice."

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