Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Minutemen Bring Ohio Sheriff to Crystal Lake

Tuesday, a Chicago Sun-Times page two photograph and headline told the story of what happened in Waukegan as its city council voted to continue on the path of training two supervisory policemen in how to detain murders, rapists and other heavy-hitting criminals prior to deportation.

It is amazing that anyone would object to local police playing such a role.

But 3,000 showed up to oppose the action.

Wednesday, the new, self-proclaimed “liberal” editorial page of the Sun-Times threw me a curve.

Take a look at the headline, which I consider eminently appropriate, and tell me how the “liberal” editors reached such a logical conclusion.

Illinois Minutemen are sponsoring a seminar on the topic of enforcement on August 25th at Crystal Lake’s Holiday Inn. The event requires purchase of a $10 ticket.

The group is bringing in Sheriff Dan Beck of the 108,000-population Allen County, Ohio, to tell of how he has deported 80 illegal aliens in the last year and a half. My guess is they want those who hear him to help pay for his travel expenses.

For tickets, mail a $10 check made out to the Illinois Minuteman Project to P.O. Box 911, Skokie, IL 60076. For more information, call Illinois Minuteman Project Director Rosanna Pulido at 773-250-3399. Pulido is of Mexican heritage.

Published first on McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Maybe if certain people folowed the law this wouldnt be an issue. But certain laws (immigration)are incoveniant for them so lets protest the fact we are criminals.

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    If there weren't any jobs here, immigrants wouldn't make their way here. If you want to stop immigration, punish the employers who hire them. Even worse, then those employers would have to pay a better wage to hire citizen help, and all our prices might go up. I think it's completely hypocritical that no part of any municipal, state or federal US immigration proposal ever includes any penalty that might affect those people who vote. It's so easy to demonize 'the others' who 'break the law' by trying to find better jobs - which, by the way, are totally accessible.
