Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Melissa Bean's TV habits

Jeff Emanuel over at Red State
Check out this picture as evidence (click for high-res version). Ms. Bean has up her obligatory Blue-Dog Dem anti-debt sign, decrying the "national debt" and blaring the figure of $29,000 owed per person in the US. (The Blue Dogs apparently do this in a vain attempt to seem like they care about the debt - as if using tax dollars to buy a bunch of signs doesn't simply add to the total, as well).

In the foreground is a nice contrast to the sign: four brand new LCD flat panel HD televisions waiting to be installed in her office. The model number, clearly displayed on the box, is KDL-40S2010, which is a 40 inch Bravia LCD HDTV television that retails for $1,699.99 each.
Maybe she invites constituents over for the Bears Games?


  1. I haven't gotten any invites. Of course, my posts opposing her re-election last year might be an obstacle.

  2. Did Blago say in Dixon, Illinois say at memorial for Ronald Regan say he voted for him?

    Q. What's worse than tax-and-spend Democrats?

    A. Borrow-and-spend Republicans.

    It's not that the Republicans don't like spending money. They just don't like Democrats spending money. To prevent that, their strategy since the Reagan years has been to bankrupt the country while they're in power.

    That way, even when the Republicans get thrown out and the Democrats are back in control, the Democrats still won't be able to spend very much.


    Just wish we had Bill Clinton as President. When he was President we had jobs and more people working peoples investment portfolio doing better and foreign policy was successful and never over zealous! And no NATIONAL DEBT!

    ---Prof. Leland Milton Goldblatt

  3. My beef is the dumb signs on the deficit Doc.

  4. You thinking reducing the national debt is dumb?

    You are right at home in the GOP.

  5. It's not always a smart thing to do. I've never been a balanced budget fanatic. I like money a little lose in the economy some deficit does that.

    Plus the signs are just a gimmik.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    The national debt is becoming a national security issue, though. And we need to reduce it. The feds biggest creditors are China and Saudia Arabia. How is that good for national security, when our debt is held by foreign powers. That's quite a weapon for them to hold over our heads should hostilities erupt. Plus it allows for currency manipulation by the Chinese, and all kinds of evils that go on in regards to Saudia Arabia and petrodollars.

    Some debt is good, and normal. But it should be limited to debt in regards to capital investment. People who enjoy a capital investment should be the ones who pay for it, right?

    Balancing the budget and reducing the national debt would be a good thing in the long run, not just in terms of reducing tax burdens over the long run, but in terms of National Security.

    And I'll take a tax and spend democrat any day of the week over a borrow and spend Republican. Why give the reigns of government power to a group of people who believe that government is the problem. You're just begging for corruption and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars.
