Monday, June 18, 2007

Mash Note for Jack Franks

WLS-Radio Sunday night talk show host Tom Roeser has long admired State Rep. Jack Franks.

He has had Franks on his show numerous times, probably to the dismay of McHenry County Republicans.

He has now published Franks’ House floor speech, as I did here, describing it as “the most elegant case against the governor” and comparing the speech to Edmund Burke’s 1765 writings “against free-wheeling and unrestrained royal power.”

You can read the original at his blog in a June 15th piece. The introductory comments follow:
State Representative Jack Franks (D-McHenry), chairman of the House Committee on Government Operations, Tuesday issued a statement that constitutes probably the most eloquent case against this governor.

It cannot be improved upon by leaders of either party. It has all the singularity of Edmund Burke’s positions wherein in 1765 he argued eloquently against free-wheeling and unrestrained royal power and his support of principled opposition to prevent abuses by the monarch.

The fact that Franks is a young Democratic member and has often taken issue with the governor of his own party underscores his independence and courage.

The speech is my estimation is the most eloquent and comprehensive critique of this governor that has been issued by either party. It should be recognized among the great documents of Illinois history, delivered as it is by a leader of the governor’s own party.
Yes, I prefer more and have added more paragraphs. Roeser had all of the above in one.

Posted first at McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Calm down!
    Franks is by no means a "leader" of the democratic party. He is a dino who should be really be more honest and run as a repub.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cal,

    Is Jack Frank's in your old seat?
