Thursday, June 07, 2007

MouseTail Stem Cells

The Chicago Tribune has finally figured out that stem cells might come somewhere other than from an embryo.

Now, I am sure there have been minor stories before, but this one made the front page of this oh-so-politically correct newspaper Thursday.

It’s even the lead story.

In its third paragraph, reporter Jeremy Manier expresses the prevailing media viewpoint on the subject:
"Advocates of embryonic stem cell research, on the other hand, argue that only embryo-derived cells can form any type of tissue, offering unique hope for diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes."
And today is the day pro-abortion Democrats will lead the fight in the U.S. House to allow our taxpayer dollars to finance embryonic stem cell research.

Even though President George W. Bush says he will veto the bill.

The Sun-Times takes a less political approach, but puts its article on page 27.

Still in a PC mode, but at least giving the other side of the issue its deserved headline.

Wasn’t yesterday an inconvenient day for this research to be published?

Not the end of the debate, but it is interesting to see mainstream media finally pointing out what Tribune columnist Dennis Byrne has been saying for some time.

Posted first on McHenry County Blog.


  1. You might want to actually READ the story, Skinner. This was actually a pretty sloppy report for you.

    The point of the story was that there are different sources for stem cells, and that research into all of them needs to be done.

    So, in answer to your question, there is no problem with the timing.

  2. Now I've also read Byrne. Why does anyone publish him? Pure rambling, no research.

    What was it in his "column" that made you decide to link to it?

  3. Looks like the story had a major impact today.

    The bill passed easily.

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Thank you for another insightful post on local and state politics.
