Thursday, May 10, 2007

Zip, zero, zilch

By Deanese Williams-Harris
Not a single representative voted to support Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s proposed gross receipts tax, the crux of his spending plans for next year. Signs saying, “No means no, Governor,” were taped to the desks as the House voted on a nonbinding resolution asking whether members were for or against the tax plan. Zero voted in support, 107 voted against and seven voted present.

A silent observer was Sen. James Meeks, the Chicago Democrat co-sponsoring an alternative tax plan, HB 750, with Rep. David Miller, a Lynwood Democrat. It would swap higher income taxes and sales taxes for lower property taxes. Miller said the vote was a sign that members are willing to look at a different revenue source to fund education and to meet the state’s current obligations. “The GRT concept has been defeated today,” he said. “We need to look at an alternative plan, and I believe that plan is 750.”

As Blagojevich said Thursday, however, he would veto any increase in income or sales taxes as called for in 750. Miller didn’t seem too concerned because he said lawmakers could override the governor’s veto if they gained enough votes.

Before the House took the vote, Blagojevich issued a statement urging them to vote against the GRT resolution. “Considering that this meaningful dialogue was initiated just 24 hours ago, it would be premature to conclude the discussion today and ask members to make a decision before they have an opportunity to get answers to their questions and offer their ideas,” Blagojevich said. “So we are asking all members to vote ‘no’ to send a clear message that this issue is too important for a rush to judgment on a non-binding resolution.”

Abby Ottenhoff, a governor’s spokeswoman, said she wasn’t surprised by today’s outcome. “It isn’t a true reflection of what the long-term outcome will be,” she said. Regarding the questions House members asked during Wednesday’s special committee on the GRT, Ottenhoff said the governor’s office expects to have written answers ready in a few days.

Feds tag another kickback
By Bethany Carson
Former Chicago Ald. Edward Vrdolyak was indicted on federal fraud charges for allegedly scheming with one of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s appointees, Chicago businessman Stuart Levine. The two allegedly worked in “behind-the-scenes manipulation” to pad their own pockets at the expense of the Chicago Medical School, according to a release from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office.

Levine already pleaded guilty last fall and is working with the feds in an ongoing investigation called “Operation Board Games.” The governor’s chief fund-raiser, Tony Rezko, also was indicted and pleaded not guilty in the same investigation. You can read more in my October 2006 blogs and about Operation Board Games here.

Vrdolyak’s indictment says he worked with Levine between 2002 and 2006 to steer a contract involving property owned by the Chicago Medical School, where Levine sat on the board of trustees. The alleged scheme was that Vrdolyak, an attorney, would solicit a certain Chicago real estate company, Smithfield Properties Development, to turn the medical school’s property into condominiums. And Levine would use his political influence on the medical school board to ensure the job was given to Smithfield. The deal would result in a $1.5 million payment to Vrdolyak once the condos were finished, and Vrdolyak would give a chunk to Levine. They never got their money, the prosecutor’s office says, because the condos aren’t finished and the investigation got in the way.

If convicted, Vrdolyak would face a maximum 20 years in prison for each count of mail fraud and wire fraud and another 10 years for one count of bribery. He was charged with four counts total. He’ll be arraigned in Chicago at a later date.


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM


    “It isn’t a true reflection of what the long-term outcome will be,” Abby Ottenhoff, a governor’s spokeswoman, said.

    Well NO SHIT Abbey! That was mouth full!
    Your becoming quite the comedian.

  2. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Rod Blagojevich got his start in law school working in Ed Vrdolyaks law firm.
    Blagojevich was the lakefront and the Serb coordinator for Vrdolyak.
    Vrdolyak and Chris Kelly have a good personal, political, legal, and business relationship.

    Stuart Levine also helped Vrdolyak get a smoking hot deal with than Attorney General Jim Ryan.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Eddie Vrdolyak shared more than this group of Goons and Hooligans in office now.
    Vrdolyak was for the little guy and didn't care about race like the 19th ward monopoly players--a true American.
    Yes, no doubt Vrdolyak was a rogue and character--and did criminal things--but this indictment is a joke.

    If you are going to indict Vrdolyak on this insider deal on the word and tapes of this shyster lawyer insider rat--than please indict John Daley and his insurance at O'Hare, Michael Daley and his law at O'Hare, plus the Jerry Joyce McDonalds duty free and other contracts at O'Hare.

    Vrdolyak made a lot of money in Telecommunications, Presidential Towers with Dan Shannon and Rostenkowski, Strip clubs with Terry Gabinski and Perry Mandera, Personal Injury, law, insider deals, real estate, and just about anything else you can think of.
    But he spread the money around, and what he did is what everyone did but he was smarter and harder working.

    They could of got Vrdolyak on real things from murders to mafia stuff--not this BS indictment.

    It is hard to beat the Feds but if anyone can it is ERV.

  4. If you are going to indict Vrdolyak on this insider deal on the word and tapes of this shyster lawyer insider rat--than please indict...

    I think that's Fitz's plan.

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Edward Robert Vrdolyak represents perhaps not a Horatio Algiers rags to riches story but nonetheless a self made and success story. While we lionize the Kennedys (even though patriarch Joe Kennedy was pro Nazi, an anti-semite, a bootlegger in league with organized crime--that doesn't stop Jay Dorethy feighting Teddy "Chappiquidick" Kennedy)(or maybe the Anneneberg media dynasty working with the mob now sponsoring PBS or Howard Hughes buying the mob out of Vegas)
    YES, Vrdolyak is colorful worked with many colorful people (the same people Richard J Daley worked with and the same people who elected Richard M Daley including lots of people from Chinatown, Grand Avenue and other colorful neighborhoods)

    Edward Vrdolyak came from a large immigrant (from Croatia than Yugoslavia) family running a restaurant bar for steel and iron workers. It was a tough neighborhood but one of values.
    YES, Eddie learned to keep his mouth shut, and fight hard--but he also studied hard and made it to St. Joseph's undergrad in Indiana, played baseball, spoke other languages and went to University of Chicago law school (the best in Chicago)(he didn't go to John Marshall and get the fix to get in like Billy Daley---or have his bar fixed by Cecil Partee like Rich Daley)

    Vrdolyak is a man of faith--He was a Fransciscan seminarian and believes in God. Although, certainly, he no longer believes in the Fransiscan spirituality of celibacy and poverty.

    Vrdolyak was an athlete playing with the Yaqui semi pro baseball team in the Southwest and Mexico.

    He is a father and a good family man. Denise probably put up with a lot, and he is probably a better father than husband--but you don't see Ed Vrdolyak's kids ball batting Filipinos or switching 7 schools, or stealing night club ropes. They all have law degrees, are respectful, went to Notre Dame.
    10 grandchildren who he adores and spends time with, unlike many politicians and lawyers. He is a good dad and even better grandad.

    YES, Ed Vrdolyak knew mobsters--probably even dealt with them. Just like John Daley still does.
    Joe Ferriola, the Cicero boys, the 1st ward--they existed far before Ed Vrdolyak. He also dealt with the Irish mafia like Jerry Joyce, and the Duffs, and the Hanleys, and Tom Donovan. Vrdolyak was very good to the 19th ward and won it even when he became a Republican. He kept everything good for Daley to come back to power--lots of people forget that.

    Vrdolyak still represents to a lot of people hope--and a more egalitarian system than the oligarchic Daley.
    A Croatian kid (called a Pollack by the Irish politicians) who did not have the right last name, did not come from the right part of town, who did not have a politician daddy.

    Where is Pat Hickey? Vrdolyak gave a 1000 jobs literally to guys from the neighborhood BEFORE he was Cook County Dem chair. He made sure that Harold Washington didn't put public housing in the white ethnic neighborhoods. He oppossed property tax increases.

    Even today, his office has Tom Tunneys (the gay alderman) brother and his night club schemes. Louis Farrakhan's son. Mike Madigan (the Speaker) calls. Eddie Burke calls. Dinners with the late Steve Neal, dozens of judges.
    So everyone know can say they didn't know him and he was a crook--but they all asked for favors from the WASP oldline Dem Adlai Stevenson, to the Bush family, Rich Daley to get Eugene Pincham out of the race, Cliff Kelley.
    He took care of people out of jail like no one else, when everyone else turned their backs, like the convicted Police Commander Nash, or Alderman Madryjczk (who could of sent Madigan to prison), or Harold the first African American to get convicted in Greylord.

    How many people did Vrdolyak help out with money?
    How many people did Vrdolyak get out of jail?
    How many people did Vrdolyak get off drugs?
    How many people did Vrdolyak get jobs?
    How many people did Vrdolyak help buy homes?
    How many people did Vrdolyak help become citizens?
    How many favors did Vrdolyak do?

    You could see or talk to Vrdolyak, and he would personally return your call, if you were poor, rich, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, criminal, saint, priest, sinner--get Daley to return your call.
    See if Daley (beyond a select few of the oligarchs or his family) will help out the convicted felons who made him who he is.

    Vrodlyak is not a saint--far from it. He screwed over a lot of people. A lot got hurt. But a lot more got helped and he did a lot of good. Vrdolyak is a good dad, probably not a great husband--Denise is a saint of a woman, a better grandad. He is a smart man and a good lawyer--who as a lawyer helped a lot of people. Vrdolyak knew one lesson from kindergarten about sharing--a lesson that Daley and the Irish mafia never learned.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    In the end, Eddie is just another arrogant, corrupt Republican who was to stupid and greedy to keep his fingers out of the till. The bigger they are...

  7. Bill said...

    In the end, Eddie is just another arrogant, corrupt Republican who was to stupid and greedy to keep his fingers out of the till. The bigger they are...

    Excuse me. That can go equally for Democrats. Eddie V. is a scumbag and a bully. So are many Dems.

    Greed and a sense of entitlement are a horrible thing.

    I expect he will plead guilty, not roll over on anyone, and do his time.

    I may be wrong.

  8. Anonymous3:40 PM

    You can blame Republicans for many things but not Ed Vrdolyak. He has still been a Democrat all these years and most of his activities and contacts.
    He was the chairman of the Democratic Party.
    He may have switched during the late part of the Reagan 80s and the racial Harold Washington days--but that was opportunism on his part and nothing to do with Republicanism per se.
