Wednesday, May 02, 2007

"Stuff" Happens. That's Why We Need Trial Lawyers

As the Illinois Civil Justice League continues to fight reform's to Illinois' Wrongful Death Act, to hold wrongdoers accountable when they take a life, this story breaks:

Wal-Mart issues voluntary recall of lead-containing baby bibs

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. Wal-Mart today voluntarily recalled sets of baby bibs from its stores in Illinois and New York after they tested positive for high levels of lead.The bibs were sold under the Baby Connection brand name and came with embroidered prints or images of Sesame Street characters.....

....Wal-Mart spokeswoman Nia Masten says the vinyl portion of the bibs exceeded the lead levels set by Illinois for children's products. Masten says about 60-thousand of the bib bundles were sold in Illinois without any reported injuries. (emphasis added)

First of all, I'm hoping that someone can explain to me what is considered a safe level of lead for children's products.

Secondly, I hope someone can explain to Wal-Mart that symptoms of lead poisoning often go undetected and can take years to present themselves. Effects of lead poisoning on the brain, digestive system, and kidneys can include: low IQ, memory loss, hyperactivity, hearing loss, weight loss and kidney failure. And yes, it can be fatal. Moreover, here's what pediatricians recommend:

If your child has any of these symptoms of lead poisoning and he is at risk for lead exposure then you should see your doctor immediately. Most children with lead poisoning do not have any symptoms, so if your child is at risk you should still have him tested even if he is not having any problems.

Some effects of lead poisoning, such as poor school performance because of a low IQ, do not show up until a child is much older, at which time they will probably have a normal lead level, and so may not be attributed to lead poisoning. (emphasis added)

I hope that everyone who purchased these bibs has their child tested for lead poisoning ASAP. I hope that those of you who like to spend alot of time ragging about the trial lawyers will take a step back for a moment, and remember that sometimes "stuff" happens, and that's why we need trial lawyers.


  1. Great. You can't get bibs or medication at Wal-Mart now.

    For details on the medication lawsuit, see

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I am more concerned about the lead water services in almost every home in Chicago. I thought Mayor Daley was going to eliminate the lead pipes.

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    It amazes me that any items for children can have lead in them. Is having vinyl bibs so important that is is worth putting our children at risk? I think not. When will consumers get mad enough to change things. And where are the consumer protection nonprofits?

    Every parent should send a letter or e-mail to their state's congressmen and congresswomen regarding lead in children's products. I am going to do it right now. KLW

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Seems to me Wal Mart did the responsible thing when it discovered it had a problem product on the shelf; happens a lot.

    No trial lawyer needed ... so what's the point?
