Thursday, April 12, 2007

When E.F. Hutton Speaks...

I am swamped today, so I can't elaborate on this one as much as I would like, but...I can't believe that this story isn't getting more play.

(Unlike me), Speaker Madigan is a man of few words - but when he speaks, watch out. Leaving little to no room for equivocation, he laid it out yesterday for all to hear:
House Speaker Michael J. Madigan said Wednesday education in Illinois will not improve without a tax increase.

“Before we finish the budget in May or June, Illinois is going to need a tax increase,” Madigan said. “You’ve heard it many, many times — we need more and better education. That takes money.” (emphasis added)

Madigan held an open forum for about 100 students, faculty and the general public Wednesday at the College of Lake County’s Lakeshore Campus in Waukegan.

Wish I could delve into this more, maybe I can in the next day or so, but in the interim, feel free to weigh in.

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