Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rob Warden: the moral challange of doing nothing

Rob Warden writing in today's Trib on Ignoring an injustice,
In 1982, Chicago Police Supt. Richard Brzeczek notified State's Atty. Daley in writing of credible evidence that Area 2 Police Commander Jon Burge and a group of subordinates had tortured a prisoner named Andrew Wilson.

Daley had the power -- and the duty -- to act.

He did nothing.
Although for the time being the public remains largely oblivious to Daley's role in the torture scandal, the reality may begin to sink in as monetary damages from that period continue to soar.

To date, city and county taxpayers have coughed up more than $45 million to settle civil rights claims dating from Daley's time as state's attorney, plus an estimated $20 million in legal fees. And, on top of the $7 million the county paid for the special prosecutors' investigation, the city reportedly is on the verge of settling torture claims brought by Hobley, Howard and Orange for $15 million, lawyers involved in the case say.

History is unlikely to pass lightly over facts so plainly etched into the public record. Torture, it seems, is an indelible stain on the Daley legacy -- a damned spot that neither he nor his apologists can out.
Democrats beating the drums of retreat and isolationism now. Can't escape the challange to act though. In Chicago or in the rest of the world.

Durbin tells me years later he knew all along he was lied at those intel briefings on Iraq. Daley did nothing with Breczek's report. Give me an official who does their duty, with the information at hand, any time.

xp Prairie State Blue


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The Burge torture, which is undeniable at this point with the numerous OPS reports-Special Prosecutor reports-Federal Civil cases, ---is a huge scar on Mayor Daley's legacy. Dick Devine is even more culpable.

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Daley did nothing because he has no courage and is covering up for his friends. The key to a lot of this is powerful interests covering up for cops who all are from the same neighborhod and clique and were all racists.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Jon Burge is a hero, the people who have helped him including former State Senator Jeremiah Joyce should be congratulated. You sometimes have to crack a lot of eggs to make an omelet and when someone murders a chicago police officer you must set an example and occasionally innocent people get caught in the web I dont think that the people involved ever intentionally tried to set any body up.

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Let’s talk about retreat and shame Bill. It is apologists like you that continue to provide cover for a President who is unwilling to ask the American people to make the necessary sacrifices to secure and bring stability to Iraq.

    We have two choices; either double or triple the troop levels and provide additional resources, or admit defeat and get out. Our allies must also provide more troops. The current strategy is not working. Take the blinders off Bill.
