Saturday, March 31, 2007


It's fairly light blog posting these days. I'm helping the Official MOSU Girlfriend to move from Uptown to Wrigleyville. I think I'm going to have to buy her some Sox swag as part of my 'agenda' to 'indoctrinate' her into the 'South Side' lifestyle. It shouldn't be too hard, as she's really only a fan of winning teams.

Anyway, that doesn't mean I can't do a link and run about possibly the most stupid and uninformed blog post in the history of internets. Go visit Robert Shirtliffe at Illinois Review.

While HB 1826 specifies civil unions as between "2 persons of the same sex OR the opposite sex," there's sure to be a growing dissatisfaction among the "Bs" of the anti-traditional marriage coalition of "GLBTs" (Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transsexuals). The "Bs" will sooner or later demand legal unions for those who can't make up their minds whether they want to be in homosexual or heterosexual relationships.

As bizarre as it sounds, the "AC/DC" movement is being popularized by videos like Janet Jett's above -- who, btw, is in a "relationship" with Carmen Electra these days. . . for me, bisexualism is nothing but promiscuity.

Wow. Just wow. There's just so many things wrong with this, I don't even know where to begin.


  1. If two consenting adults of whatever gender decide that they want their relationship to be officially recognized as a "civil union," isn't that the antithesis of "promiscuity?"

    The better question is, why should anyone else care? It seems to me that the only folks who have a stake in opposing this legislation are those who are afraid that their kids are somehow going to be different, grow up different, or choose a different life path than they have.

    I've got tough news for them. Guess what? Your kids are going to be different from you. If not when it comes to who they fall in love with, it will be something else. Their career paths, their values, their religious beliefs, their geography. Your children won't be clones of you, and that's a good thing.

    BTW, some goofball is bound to offer up that tired argument that the purpose of marriage is "pro-creation" or "stable families." Well, when we change the law to prohibit those who are infertile, or beyond their reproductive years, and require the dissolution of any childless marriage when that becomes the case, I'll buy that argument. In fact, I triple-dog dare some lawmaker to file THAT Constitutional Amendment and watch the lynch mobs file outside their office. If that's what you really believe, file your bill, otherwise you're just a hypocrite.

    BTW, if you don't think this is what is ultimately on the conservative agenda, think again. The Catholic Church is already pushing bans on in vitro fertilization in Europe, Canada and Australia.

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Dan, I am happy you are helping your girlfriend move, what are you going to do about your boyfriend? Leave him in Andersonville? LOL Glad you are the way you are!!!

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Can I have a relationship with Carmen Elektra and this other girl?
    I will even get married

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Wasn't Electra married to Dennis Rodman?

    The video was hot, I did not realize conservatives are so cool.

    The Bible does not condemn female homosexuality in the same way that it does male sodomy. You do not see girls wanting to watch two guys get it on. There is something more natural and beautiful about two women. Just a fact backed up by a lot of emperical evidence of men's magazines, and strip clubs.

    Maybe the first step to accepting homosexual marriage or unions is to get more hot young girls to get into bisexual relations. I would be all for that and love to participate. Clinton and Bush both would agree.


  5. The Bible does not condemn female homosexuality in the same way that it does male sodomy. You do not see girls wanting to watch two guys get it on. There is something more natural and beautiful about two women. Just a fact backed up by a lot of emperical evidence of men's magazines, and strip clubs.

    Ho! What are you trying to say?

    The Bible an extremely misogynistic tome. Some of the 1900's feminist opponents fought the feminist movement with St. Paul's epistles. It was so bad that Pope John Paul II later apologized for the Catholic Church's stance on women in early 2000 - just as a future pope will apologize for the Catholic Church's stance on queer folk in the future.

    The same wingbats arguing "God hates Fags" (refer to my previous post for some excellent examples) were basically arguing that "God wants women in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant" 50 years ago. But when social constructs changed, so did the Church - or at least at a 50+ year delay.

    And you're right - homophobes almost exclusively deal in hating on gay men, but are more than happy to google out "lesbian porn" - which is almost always made for and geared towards men - not lesbians.

    And if you're wondering why gay men get the short end of the hate stick, you'll have to peel the onion several times over through issues of masculinity and general misogyny.

    A classic example would probably be the most hated lesbian on earth for the social right: Rosie O'Donnel. The fact that she's a lesbian is peripheral - the fact that she's an outspoken woman is the central issue. You'll note any time a woman leaves the farm she ends up on the receiving end of all sorts of bullshit - as opposed to somebody like Jill Stanek who is.....and I hate saying this in this context...the patriarchy's bitch. Women, be they gay or straight, tend to be solely judged on how well they subjugate to men. And, in certain respects (IE: lesbian porn) lesbians can be seen as subjugating to men anyway.

    Gay men, on the other hand, are seen as not swimming in the waters of masculinity and being on the fringe of the system. Therefore, they threaten the stability of the male domination system. In other words, they're seen as something akin to a prison snitch.

  6. Anonymous11:43 PM

    The Bible may or may not be a misogynistic tome as you say.
    However, the Bible does not condemn beautiful lesbian sex as an abomination--only male anal sex called sodomy in the Bible.

    I am not sure of prison snitches, or partiarchy's bitch or whatever else. I am not sure about how you define feminism.

    I support a women's right to be with another woman sexually. I also support a man to have the right to more than one wife--as is practiced in Islam, Mormonism, and most African tribal societies, as well as Old Testament prophets. I am naturally inclined to more than one woman. I have a civil right to marry who I wish and how many times I want. Just as homosexuality is intrinsic, so is polygamy. I am not hurting anyone and love women and would do my best to raise productive children who see different mechanisms to have a family. Rather than misygonistic, I love women and do not limit myself to just one woman based on social convention.

    I am fairly tolerant of any lifestyle, as long as it does not hurt others or children, although it may not be my cup of tea or I may not participate. So gays can get married, as can polygamists, or other combinations. Religions can still regulate their sacraments and definitions of marriage and family, but government should step out of the way and give any combination of family the benefits of the choice of the individual.

    I do think, with all it's flaws, the Bible is a book that can be very helpful and is important. A lot of it is metaphor and analogy and is a sign of the times.

  7. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The Bible may or may not be a misogynistic tome as you say.

    You'd better inform the pope that he apologized for the wrong thing. :)

    I do think, with all it's flaws, the Bible is a book that can be very helpful and is important. A lot of it is metaphor and analogy and is a sign of the times.

    Agreed. Bible + Crazy = Problems though.

  8. See - the hard part of this comes around to this:

    The Bible helps YOU live a better live and directs YOUR path - It does not help YOU make OTHERS lead better lives.

    Read YOUR bible - act accordingly.

  9. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Do you think Burge hated himself for being gay?

    Do you think that Burge hated women?

    Do you think Burge had issues with his dad?

    soon to be revealed

  10. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I would like to see a two girl show with Fran Eaton and Jill Staniek. That would be some hot lesbian, man dominated action.
    Maybe not as hot as Carmen Electra, but still hot.

    Didn't the current ED of the ILGOP marry Brad Goodrich?

  11. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Dan's father is a police officer. Many police officers are distant from their children, have alcohol problems, are divorced, and prone to violence.
    Dan wanted his dad's love bad.
    Dan is a computer geek. He is a wanabee cop.
    He is also a homosexual.

    Nothing wrong with being a homosexual but Dan goes between trying to pretend to be a real man cop like daddy and sometimes the bottom bitch like he wants to be.
    He has mastabutory fantasies of both Jill Staniek whipping him and being a kinder mom than his overbearing one or being the bottom bitch boy to Jon Burge while Dan is looking for a father figure.

    Dan would like to suck Pat Hickey's cock but Hickey, to be fair, is a heterosexual, even if he figuratively sucks Joyce dick.
    A real misogynist--one who hates women--is Michael Joyce the so called pickle.
    Joyce's all have a long standing violent history. Court records exist even if they think nobody knows.

    Dan needs some psychological help.
    His story about his Lakeview (Boystown) "girl"friend is really funny. He helped her/him move to Wrigleyville.

    The sad part is Jon Burge, and the other real cops think Dan is a little pussy computer geek wimp.
    Burge might take him under his wing, but Dan could not take the pain.

    Dan, did you kill small animals like Burge did?
    Dan, do you still have your daddy's badge and handcuffs and run around thinking you are a cop.
    Dan, you weren't in the Army like Burge--right? Don't ask, don't tell.

    It is good you defend gay marriage so much, although the politicians you support don't, and you oppose those who do, and the nieghborhoods (besides Lakeview)don't support gay marriage either.

    Overbearing mother
    Distant father
    geeky, non athletic computer geek
    wannabee cop
    desires father's love by sucking cock, being a bottom boy bitch, the jealousy of black mens
    and internet defense of real men like Burge
    and violently defending gay rights against the evil Porno Pete and other right wing maniacs

    Dan, get some help you need it bad
    and not because you are gay

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Dear Moderator,

    The policy on Capitol Fax is:

    "Inappropriate or excessively rabid comments, gratuitous insults and "rumors" will be deleted or held for moderation. Profanity is absolutely not acceptable in any form. All violators risk permanent banishment without warning and may be blocked from accessing this site. Also, please try to be a little bit original. "

    I am NOT the moderator. I do like snarky at least sometimes. BUT these postings are over the top, insulting to individual people on a personal level, use profanity and are gratuitous. If the Capitol Fax rules apply here, than this entire blog entry should be deleted.

    Certainly the individual posters are at fault at least in some of these. However, the Blog writer, in this case "dan l" uses profanity, swears, insults people. By him doinig gratuitious insults on Jill Staniek as an example, and I am not in the same ideological class as Jill, he encourages others to do the same. He swears all over this board calling people explicit swearwords--and he is a Blogger not some idiot anonymous poster.

    I would encourage a good, healthy discussion on gay marriage, gay rights, or any other issue that concerns sexual orientation, human sexuality, and the convergence of public policy. I would not encourage rabid insults and swear words.

    Dan l has lowered the level of discourse on this board by his bizarre postings, using of profanity and gratuitious insults--all of which violate the rules at the parent Blog. The individual posters, whom must be drunk or high for some of the posts or certainly not serious, at least some should be banned.

    Truly Bizarre and not in keeping with the best traditions of this Blog.

  13. Anonymous4:19 PM

    whomever uses the old testament for moral guidance is an absolute idiot. call me a christian hater all you want, but it's the truth. the book is terribly biased and totally antiquated.

  14. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Please check out:

    to learn more about the Bible (especially the Torah)
    and how it is the Blueprint for Life

    also check out

    Try it, take a new perspective

    The above are Haredi (Chabad/Lubavitcher) but also check out
    AishTorah at
    some amazing science

  15. Anonymous6:55 PM

    John Townsend was always the real power. Not the faces.
    Lots of cover ups.
    Including Jan Peska and sex abuser CPD Gerald Briemon.

    Security firms, mob links, cover ups, abuse
    Lots of good stuff.

  16. Anonymous7:31 PM


  17. Anonymous11:52 PM

    You are what you are, probably can't change that.
    Marriage is already messed up in society, just look at me and Corrine, don't think a gay couple will affect that.
    I don't really understand the whole gay thing nor do I want to see it--although I can admit that I may be homophobic although not intentionally.
    But I believe in live and let live and civil rights for all.

    Don't understand the point of the video and how it applies to the link. I would like to get bisexual girls but don't think I can go there with the wife. Don't want to be stabbed or left alone.

    Probably should swear less on the Blog.

    Let people get married, individuals and religions can decide for themselves what they believe.

  18. Anonymous2:31 PM


    Dan needs help.

    I support gay marriage too, but not obsessed with it and don't insult people, post videos of Carmen Electra and Joan Jett and the Black Hearts, and swear and act like a lunatic.
    Let's discuss policy and politics.
    No profanity.
    No putting up posts about other bloggers, even if they are conservative or religious--they have rights too, about being in lesbian relationships.
