Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tony Peraica

He's posting over at Illinois Review,
Governor Blagojevich proposes the largest tax increase in Illinois history. Todd Stroger cuts the Cook County budget irresponsibly – across the board, without any reason, forethought or rationale.

They both claim they had no other choice. The budgets are busting, they claim. There’s nothing else they can do. It’s either raise taxes – or close health clinics.

The choice, they say, is simple.

In fact, it’s not so simple. There is another way.
And he ends with some strong stuff,
Our campaign for Cook County Board President last year was used as a vehicle to expose the corrupt house of cards that is the Stroger machine. While we fell short on Election Day, we were successful in shining a spotlight on this corrupt county.

As we all know, when the light is turned on, the cockroaches scatter. Likewise, when the lights are turned off, they come back out in the open.

We are going to ensure that the lights stay on. The heat will continue to be turned up.

We ask that the citizens of Cook County continue their efforts to question the actions of the Stroger administration. Hopefully, by restoring trust in our elected government, we can protect the taxpayers of Cook County and, by extension, the people of Illinois.
Maybe Peraica's the Illinois GOP's Revolutionary.


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I like Peraica.

    The post election conduct by Todd Stroger vindicates my vote.

  2. Only complete goof-balls and political hacks still believe Cook County is better off having elected Toddler Stroger. You can all watch as one aspect of his draconian budget plays out in less than 17 hours. That's when the ENTIRE Hearing Officer corps that made up the Hearing Officer Section of Juvenile Court's Child Abuse and Neglect Division are fired.

    The court thanks the Hearing Officers for 13-plus years of hard work and dedicated efforts to reduce the backlog of child abuse and neglect cases. The court thanks them for preventing another Joey Wallace tragedy (and keeping abusive parents from harming and killing their kids). But after all that they have been told, "Now get out of here, because we want to save a few bucks (even if the judges can't really handle the additional caseload)."

    Chief Judge Timothy Evans signed off on this move. Some say Judge Evans wants to run for the State supreme Court seat now held by Justice Charles Freeman (which Freeman must give up in 2010), and that Evans is taking action to try to build up political IOUs for the Democratic Primary contest for that seat.

    I don't know if that is true. I hope it is not. Such a move... to effectively gamble with the lives of youngsters hoping that an ugly incident (where one or more youngsters are killed by an abusive parent because the case slipped thru an overwhelmed court system) doesn't take place before the 2010 Primary... is too disgusting to think of.

    But if Heaven Forbid, that was the case, not only would it be wrong to endanger young lives betting this action could enhance one's judicial career, but it would be a bad bet as well. I am of the opinion that the likelihood of such an incident within the next three years is far to great to be worth taking that chance.

    Nevertheless, the actions of Chief Judge Evans, President Stroger and a majority of the County Commissioners have set the stage for such a potential tragedy. Let us all say a prayer tonight that such a tragedy can be averted, despite the odds.

    And thank you, Commisioner Peraica, for putting up the good fight!

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Peraica sounds like a big cry baby. Get over it you lost. I wasn't crazy about Stroger either, but he hasn't raised property taxes. I think he has cut more than the last 3 County Board Presidents combined. I think the people need to be looking at Daley and all his corruption.

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    How much dough are Phony Tony's cronies pulling out of Cicero through shady contracts? I know it's a lot.

    When is this sore loser going to go away? He was a buffoon before, but that midnight raid on Cook County with his hooligans made him a national laughingstock.

    Everyone's sick of you Tony. That's why you lost for Bd Pres, and that's why your guy lost for Cook Co. GOP Chair.

  5. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Tony Peraica is the best we got. He has big balls and is the most independent.

    The Melrose Park crew and not Peraica are pulling the money out of Cicero.

  6. Anonymous8:19 AM

    What is Phony Tony's point?

    The people did not want him. So he lost the election.

    The Commissioners did not want his proposed budgets. He lost the budget battle.

    He damn near lost his Commissioner's seat.

    And so, the question for Phony Tony is: when it comes to losing, have you "had enough?"


  7. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Phony Tony's crew ARE the ones shaking down Cicero.

    Phony Tony's campaign mgr/spokesman for example, Dan Proft, reportedly pulls over 80 Grand a year just to be on contract as the rarely used spokesman for the town.

    One of Betty Loren Maltese's old enforcers, Larry Dominick, is the town president there, and Phony Tony backed him big time. He's been getting pay back ever since.

    I'm a Republican, but give me the Toddler over Phony Tony any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  8. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Tony Peraica is only "Reform Republican" left, with the possible exception of Tim Schneider. The rest of them are bought and paid for by the Democratic Machine.

    All these goofy Republican wannbes cry for "Reform" within the GOP, hiding behind websites and the money of old men, when their objective is just obtaining personal power.

    Peraica has had the guts to walk out on the firing line, where it is not so safe, and battle for REAL reform for the people where it counts - in government! He has done more for the people of Cook County than all of you trashtalking blowhards put together, by a factor of about ten thousand.

    I for one wish him well.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Go look at the numbers, Cicero did not back Tony Peraica. Tony Peraica recieved more votes in Berwyn than Cicero for County Board President.
    So-called Republicans like Liz Gorman, Pete Silvestri and Skip Saviano all worked with Todd Stroger before and after the election.
    The Cook County Democratic Party has been able to buy off most of the weak Republicans, but they can not buy off or keep quiet Tony Peraica. Tony Peraica is doing his job. Too bad other politicians are not.
