Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Where'd Stroger go?

From Martese Chism, board member, Cook County Nurses and Deborah Burger, national president, National Nurses Organization-California Nurses Association's letter in today's Sun Times: Lack of leadership takes toll on nurses,
After creating a political crisis by delivering a budget that would cut health care for tens of thousands of Cook County residents and lay off hundreds of employees, Stroger effectively disappeared from public view. Despite unprecedented public concern and outcry, he failed to attend a single public hearing on his budget.

Stroger's only action in the intervening weeks has been to blithely hire and promote his friends and family and award them huge raises. What message is he trying to send us?
Well, one leadership tactic is to create a crisis and then hold everyone hostage for the bailout. It's not unprecedented. It's an old story. It's not a lack of leadership. It's Cook County's style of leadership.

Thanks though for acknowledging Stroger created this.


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I give credit where credit is due.
    Nice post Bill.

    You need to go the next step though:

    Stroger now will say that The Voters decided that we need a tax raise. His strategy was to offer completely unacceptable program cuts, and then when those are rejected, sigh and say that we must have more taxes.

    And at the same time, the county line item for Stroger Friends and Family Fund keeps growing.

  2. Stroger's idea of leadership is attempting to govern through dueling press releases.

    > Thanks though for acknowledging Stroger created this.

    > ... go the next step ...

    Let's acknowledge who created Stroger.


    Scare Tactics

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    It's not quite fair to say Toddler created this mess all by his little lonesome self.

    As a member of Chicago's City Council, he rubberstamped every TIF district Da Mare asked for. He helped the city siphon out $500,000,000 in property taxes annually.

    Now, the rooster comes home to roost, and he's pecking at your wallet.

    The easy, painless fix? The county could start selling off the taxpayers' assets, just like the city and state do - the Skyway, our underground garages, the lottery, and some day soon, we figure O'Hare Airport will be on the block for sale.

    Oh, yes... We forgot. We are breaking the story that the Chicago Public Schools is going full tilt on a plan to turn our public schools into giant billboards and selling "product placement" opportunities to advertisers, as well as naming rights.

    "Today, boys and girls, recess will be held outside on the United Airlines playground, and is sponsored by Diet Coke. Have a Coke and a smile. And today's hot lunch features Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, with essential vitamins and minerals. Mmmmm! Yummy! Be sure to tell your parents it's not Mac 'n' Cheese if it's not Kraft."

    "Class dismissed."

  4. Sell the CTA too. Please!

  5. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Todd Stroger don't care about the cuts in health care or the laying off of nurses, he has private health care that taxpayers pay for, and his dad went to Rush Presbyterian St. Lukes and not County. The Strogers don't go to the hospital for the peasants and the poor. They are a powerful dynasty, like kings and queens and princes. County Hospital is for serfs. The Strogers are not poor people. People need to lose jobs so Stroger and the 8th ward and the Resko family can have jobs and contracts and become rich and powerful. Nobody cares and in the end Todd Stroger will be re-elected and the Sun Times will endorse him and Richie Daley will decide. To hell with the workers and to hell with taxpayer money and to hell with the poor.

  6. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Yes, Jeff, the CTA is a mess. But you don't want it sold to a corporation. Trust us on this one.

    The snakes we have in office will try to sell everything. Hell, they might even try to sell the power grid, like they did in California. Look what Enron did to those poor SOBs. It just about bankrupted the state, and it put Arnie in the Gov's mansion, courtesy of Darryl Issa.
