Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Somerville's Campaign Manager Insults Obama to Get at Rugai

The Somerville Campaign for Alderman of the 19th Ward - He Thought it Looked Good Going In!

Like I said months ago, there will be a tough race for Alderman in the 19th Ward of Chicago's south side.

It is a tough and good two person race between incumbant Ginger Rugai and challenger Tim Sheehan. There is the third wheel making a great deal of noise and tossing vitriol but offering nothing of substance. That is last time loser John Somerville.

Last week, when the world got a great look at the next President of United States. Senator Barack Obama, Somerville's Green Party Campaign Manager Josh Kilroy smeared Ginger Rugai as a racist - without charge or example - but also smeared Senator Obama 'for endorsing a racist.' Posing as Scafish on Aldertrack, Josh Kilroy, the genius behind Somerville's idiotic literature that includes color photos of Somerville's biggest backer's slum property as an example of blight.' And they are paying this guy? Here's Josh's foot going into John Somerville's gaping Yapper:

by scafish on Feb, 10 2007 @ 11:44 AM DISCLOSURE - This user is participating in this market.
Actually, it is very unclear that Senator Obama endorsed Rugai. A reporter I know has made repeated calls to the office and has gotten no confirmation of an endorsement. Rugai said that he had in an ad but, in addition to being a racist, she has a history of lying. Why would Obama endorse a racist?
profile for Josh Kilroy

username: scafish
Listening to: xrt
Reading: johnny cash biography
Favorite restaurant: medici
Favorite charity: amnesty international

How about that folks? Is this amateur hour or what? No - Josh gets paid!

As for the ‘hang-nail of Beverly’ his last ego-driven fluke and impressive numbers had nothing to do with his intrinsic worth as a candidate for any elective office. He is a career ‘appointment’ employee. Somerville was convinced by someone at an early age that he was somebody – he is – Not the biggest jerk in politics but he will do nicely.
He will not poll double digits on Feb. 27th, because he is such a polarizing and self-absorbed entity. Good race between Ginger and Tim, but run, John, run is not a factor,


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Pat,even Sommervilles biggest cheerleader has left the team TIM ENRIGHT not sure why but some think it has to do with contracts at county jail and or hospital.Can not wait to read that windbag jerkoff LOWERYS site the 28th when DUMBERVILLE does not break 13 percent.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Fave Restaurant: Medici.

    I suspect your pal is a U of C student.

  3. Tim Enright is a fine man, as are so many people who have given their support to the guy.

    I would not have even tapped a key concerning his candidacy had it not been for the delusional Mr. Lowery's slander blog, but the more I learned about the guy the more I came to see him as an affront to elective office. 13 % is too high BTW! I'd say between 6-8%. we shall see. After the candidates forum next wednesday, we will know how low he can go.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Where's the candidates forum? Place / time?

  5. Here 'Tis, Citizen!
    19th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Forum

    The Chicago League of Women Voters will moderate a 19th Ward aldermanic candidate forum Wed., Feb. 21, 7 p.m. at Bethany Union Church, 1750 W. 103rd St. Ald. Ginger Rugai, John Somerville, and Tim Sheehan, all of whom are running for 19th Ward alderman, have confirmed their participation. For information, call 773-779-7387.

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Yea, keep us up to date on what a fridge candidate manager for County Board Chairman says.

    I will tell you what my Mexican Landscaper thinks about TV programming.

  7. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Hickey, you lost a lot of credibility going with Todd Stroger.

    I think Rugai has done just fine though.

  8. Milt,
    You getting enough oxygen in there?
