Thursday, February 15, 2007

Somerville Campaign Sinks in Sean's Swamp

One thing that is true in this information silly world, is the advent of mopes like me. One guy's comment on my other piece on the 19th Ward said that I lost all credibility ' by backing Stroger' - My God! Who listens to me? Credibility to whom?

But then I remember the 19th Ward Agenda 'where people believe that politics is as real as pro-wrestling.'

The ring master is local cry-baby Sean Lowry, never met him - never care to. This guy seems to exude all the balance and charm of Frank Booth in Blue Velvet;all he needs is the amyl-nitrate mask. Read some of his 'Open Letters to . . .' Yikes.

Well, strangely enough, this guy's Blog has served as a weapon for the Somerville Campaign - since 1964 - when his leap for office seems to have begun, including his years as Regular Organization porch climber, to his current 'wilderness years' which will continue long after Feb. 27th, 2007. They have made fun of Ginger's breast cancer, maligned people who have nothing to do with local politics, explained to all and sundry that 'Ginger's not Running; It's 19thWard Committeeman Matt O'Shea get Him !'Now it's honorable candidate Tim Sheehan's turn.

Here is a random sampling of the bilge on this site:
15 fed up, on February 14th, 2007 at 7:55 pm, said:

I have often stated that I thought sheehan was a plant. I have read a lot of articles and visited all the web sites . Ginger was never going to get my vote this election I think she does nothing. sheehan after much debate is going to get my vote, I truly hope either beats ginger. we need to move forward and I dont believe in ginger she has no plan and is an obstacle to development not an asset. just my two cents

14 anonymous, on February 14th, 2007 at 7:56 pm, said:

OK, All you nay sayers, after calling the University of Pennslyvannia Wharton School Media Relations Office. Talked to Meghan Laska, Senior Associate Director of Wharton Communications. After explaining to her that the bloggers of 19th Ward Agenda needed to verify Tim Sheehan’s academic record at Wharton. (Press credentials are really not given to Bloggers) but considering the timing of the campaign in two weeks it was given. Two hours later it was confirmed Tim Sheehan has an UPenn-Wharton undergraduate degree from that prestiguous institute founded by Benjamin Franklin one of the founding founder of this great sovereign nation.

13 Sheehan Fan, on February 14th, 2007 at 8:34 pm, said:

Sean, I find it interesting that you have stated on this blog that you will do whatever you can to assist either opponent in toppling Rugai. If that is true, and I assume that you are a man of your word…than you will write a check for 2,000.00 to Friends of Tim Sheehan. That is the amount of the check that you wrote to Somerville. If not, then I will understand why Tim Sheehan is not interested in dealing with you. I also wonder if you have the courage to post my entry.

A: As I told Tim Sheehan personally just 10 days ago, I feel John Somerville has the better chance of beating Ginger, but if I’m wrong and Tim is there at the end, I will support him.

12 Forrest GUMP, on February 14th, 2007 at 8:40 pm, said:

When I get a Wharton on my finger, my Momma usually just puts some “Compound-W” on it and that just makes it go right away. Don’t know if its from a plant though. The Compound-W, that is.

11 Anonymous, on February 14th, 2007 at 9:08 pm, said:

I have lived in the 19th ward for three years now and i already want to move.I drive down western ave. everyday and i think to myself what a pit. Our community is very unappealing to the eye.I also believe our crime level is way up kids being beat up people can’t walk home from the train station without getting mugged banks being robbed and so on and so on.If our alderman is doing so much for this community why does western and 95th st. look the way they do? why is crime up? Why our are schools so crappy?why can’t you go to the school of agirucultural science if you have no political ties? why don’t we have a place for our teenagers to go bowling or skating? The answer to all these questions is ginger rugai that’s why we don’t have any of these things she has the power to get more police on the street to devlope commerical properties and to have a skate park built. It appears to me the only one thing ginger cares about is the power she gets by calling herself a alderman and whats up with those flyers she mails out or her ads in the beverly review i am really glad ginger survived breast cancer but her survial sounds more like a pitty me thing i mean read it once you say what a brave and couragous woman but after hearing it so much it gets old and sounds pittiful.Not to sound uncaring but ginger’s surival of breast cancer is not going to make our community better. not going to make our streets safer. we need a big change and we need it now before our community gets any worse.

10 Anonymous, on February 14th, 2007 at 9:13 pm, said:

Tim Sheehan and John Somerville are good people. Ntice that they don’t attack eachother. Good for them. The point is that you should not vote for the Corrupt machine hack.

9 Sean Lowry, on February 14th, 2007 at 9:17 pm, said:

Tim doesn’t have to deal with me, he just has to be a good candidate for alderman and if he wins, I will offer to work with him. If he is personally offended that I asked questions about his campaign,I do not apologize. If you run for office, all questions are fair game.

8 Anonymous, on February 14th, 2007 at 9:21 pm, said:

Sean, I fel the same way. Somerville has earned my vote but, like you, I will vote for Sheehan if he wins the run off position. If Sheehan fan has any class he can say the same thing. Is it about beating the incumbent or is it about getting your guy elected?

THESE Phi Beta Kappans are Not only worried that Tim Sheehan is a 'plant' ( he's not boys and girls he's an animal life form) but whether he attended the Bay Rum Good Smelling After Shave Institute, like John did. Lowry herded all these folks pretty much into his one swamp, but word gets out - usually when a neighbor is getting slandered.

One really needs to immerse oneself in real French Film Self-Loathing to fully enjoy this fondue but like a bad accident one can not look away -do not make eye contact, however.

When Tail-spin John crashes again, he will have Sean Lowry to thank for 'Bringing the Community together' against his candidacy. Sean, I can not thank you enough!


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Lots of the cops associated with Jon Burge and Areas 2 and 3 live in the 19th ward.

    Does Obama know that?

  2. I believe that he does. More importantly, here is what the special prosecutor knows about the ambulance chasing race baiter killing time for huge $$$$:

    "Mr. Taylor gets 75 percent of his income from suing policemen and municipalities,” Egan said. “I’ve described him as a legal huckster. His name is G. Flint Taylor and, in my opinion, the 'G' stands for ‘Gimme.’”

    And, says Egan, Taylor is driven by publicity.

    “The most dangerous position to be in in the justice system is between Flint Taylor and a television camera,” Egan said.

    That ain't no halo around Flint - it's GOLD! GOLD, I TELLS YA!

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Pat, dont worry about that coward scumbag LOWERY.He is sure to learn the meaning of what goes around comes around.

  4. Not a worry in world, old chum - just necessary to throw a little Raid under the Fridge every so often. What? Does them no end of good to get a little exercise and letting the little bugger see the world with the lights on is a bonus.
