Friday, February 16, 2007


To Take Sean Lowry's as a means of getting a good look at the 19th Ward requires a willing suspension of disbelief.

Instead, return with me now to John Ford's classic western - THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE - great old movie that had the great line "This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

Things can get skewed - especially when a guy like Lowry has all the raw materials for a good skewing - In Sean's bizzaro world - John Somerville is the Ransom Stoddard good guy and every one else in the Ward are collective Liberty Valances. Sean is the Dutton Peabody character who runs a paper called the Shinebone Star - John Ford's Dutton Peabody writes about the Rights of Man and Justice and Free Elections - Duttonhead Lowry tosses acid. Here's today's offering from the SEANBONE STAR:

25 A St Walters Kid, on February 15th, 2007 at 6:15 pm, said:

I just want to see my old neighborhood spruced up a little. Ginger has had 15 years to fix the blight of 115 and Western. I may not live long enough to wait for her fix. Let’s give someone else a chance.

I’m voting for that young handsome man, John Somerville

24 Sean Thorton, on February 15th, 2007 at 6:16 pm, said:

Ginger aint Irish vote her out

23 Anonymous, on February 15th, 2007 at 6:19 pm, said:

It seems that all you need in this ward is a little money and you can get things done. Perhaps the federal prosecutor should look a little closer into the 19th ward affairs and hiring practices. He might find a whole bunch of corrupt employees here. It’s time to root out all the corrupt politicians. Ginger it’s time to pay the piper.

22 newbie, on February 15th, 2007 at 7:39 pm, said:

Can anyone tell me which union backed GR? I received a flier in the mail stating that she was the union backed candidate. If this has been touched on already I’m sorry for the repeat.

21 Newcomer, on February 15th, 2007 at 7:42 pm, said:

I’m with Ginger Rugai. She did a great job after this recent snowstorm. She’s hooked up with Daley and can so much more than S or S.

Another issue is did Sheehan misrepresent his educational credentials? If he did he needs to get out of the race. Sort of that that head coach from Notre Dame a few years ago. If he didn’t misreprepresent something, he should stay in the race.

20 Anonymous, on February 15th, 2007 at 7:57 pm, said:

newbie, on February 15th, 2007 at 7:39 pm, said:
The AFL-CIO is backing Ginger which includes many unions.

19 Conservative One, on February 15th, 2007 at 8:21 pm, said:

It seems that we now have legislators legislating handwashing in elementary schools. Good thing too, because of the injustices committed by baked goods and foi gras all over Chicago! Is it getting clear that legislators, as well as the city council feel they have nothing to do? Or maybe the really important issues that affect lifestyle and long term betterment of the community aren’t of interest. If nothing else, voters should demand the voice of reason be present in city council to get them back on track. A heckuvalot will change after Ginger is replaced. The council is made up of more appointees and heirs that will need cleaning out if the other wards show the guts on 2/27. Did anyone read the article about the county budget in CTribune today - two administrators mentioned how they didn’t realize that steering budget cuts away from doctors and service providers would result in their appointed relatives being without meal tickets. They are laughing at you so do something about it on election day or we’ll become Ghana in three years!

18 Conservative One, on February 15th, 2007 at 8:23 pm, said:

Im the most moderate writer around here. What’s the beef?

17 Harry Twickler, on February 15th, 2007 at 8:39 pm, said:

I think it would be nice if everyone would base their decision in this election on the issues. Stop the name calling and negative posts just because an individual has an opinion that you disagree with.

16 Anonymous, on February 15th, 2007 at 8:43 pm, said:

So let me try to keep this straight. The ward ofice imps are now trying to paint John Somerville as more of the same? Huh? Didn’t he just reject Hynes’ offer to be set up at a lucrative criminal defense firm to run against the organization for alderman? Are the rats fleeing the sinking ship? Are people starting to say the obvious, that she is and always was worthless? Stay tuned, the last desperate acts of a losing alderman are about to be seen. Goodbye, Virginia.

15 Anonymous, on February 15th, 2007 at 8:44 pm, said:

Ginger smokes and claims sympathy as a cancer survivor? That’s balls.

Lovely and High Minded Folks in SEANBONE!

Here's my favorite in response to an inquiry from one guy who asks what Sean Lowry will get for his $2,000 duke-aroo to Tailspin Somerville.

WheresItGo, on February 15th, 2007 at 3:49 pm, said:

Well, we asked it for the other candidates, so might as well ask Sean. “What’s $2000 in private campaign donations buy you?

A: I’ve already answered it here previously. In my opinion John Somerville presents the best opportunity for us to beat the incumbent, Virginia Rugai. Alternately, as I said in yesterdays Beverly Review, I will support anyone who can beat Ginger.

The answer seems to be here in John Somerville's - PLAN for the 19th Ward.

Though some major projects have taken place under Rugai, there are too many locations throughout the ward where progress has lagged. As a result, the ward seems to lack the vibrancy it once had. Somerville believes the task at hand requires outside expertise. He proposes pooling money that civic groups within the ward currently spend on planning and use it to hire a professional commercial development company. From the Daily Southtown's endorsement of the Eric J. Kellogg of Beverly!

Now, Sean, could you be the recipient of Community dollars? Only in SEANBONE - The neighborhood is still Beveryly/Morgan Park/Mount Greenwood and those voters know 'sidewinders' when they see them.

Here once more- just for giggles -

WheresItGo, on February 15th, 2007 at 3:49 pm, said:

Well, we asked it for the other candidates, so might as well ask Sean. “What’s $2000 in private campaign donations buy you? A PRIVATE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY??????

A: I’ve already answered it here previously. In my opinion John Somerville presents the best opportunity for us to beat the incumbent, Virginia Rugai. Alternately, as I said in yesterdays Beverly Review, I will support anyone who can beat Ginger.

Tim Sheehan is not interested, Sean. Sheehan has integrity. Besides, you already tossed your investment to Dishonest John. Maybe you have more dough planted in the yard, or hidden at the SEANBONE STAR!


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    That Lowry sound like a real scum bag. I live on the north side. The Feds should be looking at Sean, with all his slandering. What a loser this guy seems like.

  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hey norht side stay out of are ward. Sean been fighting for us for over 2 yrs. Sean blog telling us whats really happening in are ward. Hickey just a hack for the ward.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hickey you are just a stooge for the Joyces

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Lowry one sick dude. He should check himself into Little company of Mary for a moth stay. His $2000 dollars to Somerville was wasted money, what a tool.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM

    hickey you da man

  6. Good Post, Pat. Lowry is a dork as well as a mortgage broker and a shill for real estate salespeople. A lot of Somerville supporters are urban land speculators hoping to make a windfall if their guy wins.
    Somerville himself is weird and a lot of voters are afraid to open their doors when he comes around. Somerville's brother has a city job that he got through patronage. He voluntered to rat out the poeple who helped him in court during the hiring scandal. I wish that they would all move to Oak Lawn. They are giving the Southside Irish a bad name.

  7. Bill,

    Oak lawn does not deserve that - how about ?????? Hartford, Connecticut - had a lousey time there once.

  8. The man who shot Liberty Valance,...he shot Liberty Valance...he was the bravest of them all!

  9. Anonymous11:25 PM


    Clearly, you are a Rugai supporter. Can you please elaborate on her accomplishments in the 19th Ward over the last 16 years? Other than rubber stamping anything the mayor proposes, I'm hard-pressed to recall anything of significance she has done for the ward.

    A change is long overdue, whether it comes in the flavor of Sheehan or Somerville.

    19th Ward Resident

  10. Clearly,
    You ahve your mind made up! Vote for whom you feel to be the best candidate. I will vote for Ginger as will my daughter. I think that Tim Sheehan is a fine man and I would vote for him if Ginger were not running. Somerville, the candidate, is everything a politcal office seeker should not be - self-interested, steeped in debt to interests ( land specualtors) who have no connecttion to the neighborhoods, and absolutely no sense of any people beyond those interests.
