Tuesday, January 16, 2007

SEIU and the Aldermen

The Trib today on Election heightens Daley-labor strain: Unions are backing council hopefuls who will stand up to him.
Their targets are Madeline Haithcock (2nd), Dorothy Tillman (3rd), Darcel Beavers (7th), George Cardenas (12th), Shirley Coleman (16th), Howard Brookins (21st), Daniel Solis (25th), Ted Matlak (32nd), Emma Mitts (37th), Burton Natarus (42nd), Vi Daley (43rd) and Bernard Stone (50th). They also are supporting a candidate for the 15th Ward seat vacated recently by Theodore Thomas.

Though the SEIU has backed challengers in many of those wards, union officials say there is more than one acceptable alternative in some races and they are waiting to see who will emerge as the most viable candidates.
I don't know how fearful I'd be of an institution that sits back and waits for viable candidates to emerge.

Are SEIU's friends that hard to see in these races? Or is SEIU just foggy about what it means to be a friend of Labor?


  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    SEIU is selling out opposition in 21 to go with Brookins because of a deal with Jesse Jackson Jr.

    SEIU is selling out Karina Sanchez in 12 because of pressure from the Blagojevich administration.

    SEIU is backing convicted felon Ambresio Medrano instead of a good candidate in 25.

    SEIU us playing games because of Jackson, Blagojevich and even Mayor Daley. It is all white racist leadership exploiting their poor members. The lowest paid union members. Lots of money for their sold out political staff and high lifestyles exploiting the working man.

  2. What's the story in the 37th? They're not contemplating Giles?

  3. SEIU is run by Commie wannabes' and serves as a sociology laboratory and not a labor union.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Are SEIU's friends that hard to see in these races? Or is SEIU just foggy about what it means to be a friend of Labor?

    SEIU has done an amazing job of getting challengers to vie for its endorsement. It seems a smart strategy: rather than have just one candidate be "a friend of Labor," SEIU has figured out how to get four or more friends in the race -- each competing to support labor's agenda more strongly than the other.

    It's kind of like political deregulation.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    They should be supporting Nick in the 36th.

  6. SEIU has figured out how to get four or more friends in the race -- each competing to support labor's agenda more strongly than the other.

    What kind of sweetheart gets four suitors into a street fight?
