Friday, January 19, 2007

No ethnics in Bridgeport Village please

Heard this story on NPR racing around in the car today. Here's the version in the Sun Times,
The luxury homes in developer Thomas Snitzer's Bridgeport Village next to the Chicago River were selling like hotcakes, but Snitzer allegedly lacked one key ingredient.

Grease -- for the palms of the 11th Ward, that is.

And those palms rose up to slap him down -- with ferocity, according to allegations in a lawsuit filed in federal court here Thursday.

The racketeering lawsuit filed by Snitzer contends a top political aide to the mayor, Tim Degnan, and one of Degnan's trusted lieutenants, developer Thomas DiPiazza, tried to shake down Snitzer by demanding favors, kickbacks and a promise not to acquire certain land in Bridgeport that politicians had promised to other developers. Bridgeport has turned into one of the hottest neighborhoods for new housing in Chicago.

When Snitzer refused most requests, the city shut his project down for alleged code violations and went to extraordinary lengths to drive him from the multimillion-dollar development, the lawsuit says.
The radio said one of Degnan's requirements was a limit on the number of ethnics at Bridgeport Village. Hope that's not a shot at Bridgeport's Lithunian Health Food Restaurant. That's my favorite stop for saurkraut soup.

Dock Wall's latest email tells me,
Daley, a lame duck mayor weakened by Federal investigations, can no longer rely upon his traditional means of support: The Sorich conviction sent a clear signal to city employees they may go to jail for doing Daley's dirty work; The Shakman Decree says Daley can't hire, fire or promote people for political reasons, therefore, city employees are not motivated to organize or canvass for his re-election. Daley can't reward people who do political work, or punish those who don't; No one is willing to work for him for free. Because of scrutiny by the Feds, the Hispanic Democratic Organization is not canvassing for Daley. For the first time in history, the powerful Chicago Federation of Labor has decided not to endorse Daley (this may be the biggest blow of all). Absent city employees and HDO, there is no way Daley can win without CFL foot solders and phone banking.

William Dock Walls, the most qualified candidate for Mayor since Harold Washington, will win by a landslide with your support.
I don't know Dock. Habits are hard things to break.

Update: China Town Frankie P writes an excellant post on the Bridgeport Ethos. HT Irish Pirate over at YoChicago

Update: No anon comments on this one. Thanks


  1. Hey I wanna see the story from the Sun-Times!

  2. Sorry, thought I had linked it.

    I tell you, if candidates can win based on volume of optimistic e-mails, Dock Walls has this race wrapped up.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Tom DiPiazza is a politically connected and mob connected developer.

    He has done a LOT of favors for Tim Degnan including getting Slick Degnans son condos for a cheaper price and cash kickbacks and favors.
    Now it is all coming out in the Sun Times.

    You have to use Daley and George as lawyers.
    DiPiazza as the contractor.

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

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  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    This is not only a problem in the Daley 11th Ward, it is a problem city wide. Contractors in Chicago know you should drop some money off at the local alderman's office so you have good cooperation with Chicago City Hall. If you have Clout in Chicago, the Chicago City Inspectors will not look as close. That is the "Daley Way". I hope the Feds can unravel this mess, it will take a long time.

  6. Anonymous2:39 PM

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  7. Anonymous8:18 PM

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  8. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Where is Pat Hickey to defend this?
    or to call into question the journalists ethics
    or to have Durkin qoute that it is a lie and have him tell about helping the poor black kids at Leo

    Hickey we need you to defend the Mayor and his people

    at least Jerry Joyce's name wasn't mentioned

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

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  10. Shamus, Been busy doing Leo Stuff!

    Hey - you should do fine with the great voices of Reform - guys who lived at the public teat forever and were told to ease up; people who ask for favors six days a week and when told that Sundays are off limits get right with reform. Swell company and great cheese fondue slurpers.

    I am dying to meet a political reformer/activist who is 'gruntled' or one who has a memory that stays charged past the last touch.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    If nothing else, Dock Walls is hilarious.

    And China Town Frankie P has a future in fiction writing.

  12. The Frankie P story was great. Walls puts up a great fight against overwhelming odds... you have to like the guy for that....

  13. Dock shot his wad with the Obama endorsement - of course if the political outsiders like McDonough want to touch toes with Urban Translator Gator Bradley in order to cave in some dirt on Daley that could be a moment's boost.

    But poor old Dock lost all credibilty as a candidate for Mayor when he screeched about Burge - the U.S. Supreme Court has pretty much tossed that old Flint Taylor Lotto Ticket as expired and bogus.
