Tuesday, January 16, 2007

All Systems Are Go

Just got done with a conference call with Senator Obama and a 100 or so supporters. Having known him for a decade now, I still can't help but be struck by how well he has absorbed the incredible amount of attention that has been heaped upon him. The man still sounds as sincere today as he did in 1996.

He told the group that he and his family are eager for what the future may hold. He spoke of making an announcement February 10 in Springfield, and of the desire to focus on a grassroots campaign fueled by 'excitement' and the 'sense of possibility'. This is the same fundamental theme that was the backbone of his Senate campaign and that lit up the country at the national convention.

I don't know what the campaign may bring, but I feel very confident that Barack's presence will elicit a debate and optimism that has been lacking for far too long.

For those looking for more information about the campaign or wanting to see the latest videos, visit www.barackobama.com.

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