Monday, December 18, 2006

Reviewing the 94th's GA's Education Accomplishments

It isn't pretty:

"The 94th General Assembly has adjourned. They have left public education as it was when they first convened. In Illinois, 50 percent of black students will fail to graduate high school. Ninety-four percent of Chicago public school students will never earn a college degree. Rural schools are closing.

Suffice it to say, 2005 and 2006 were hardly banner years for education reform in Illinois. Rather than challenge the status quo and rethink public education in Illinois, leaders in Springfield proffered a number of “reforms” that can be called disappointing, at the very least."


  1. Um, they haven't adjourned yet.

  2. I did not anticipate any landmark education reforms to pass this week. Nor did I anticipate the sorry shape publication education to improve before Christmas.

    Nor did I anticipate that the SJ-R would run the piece so soon. Please revisit the piece, a week from now.

    Or, if you like, instead read the first lines as "As the 94th General Assembly prepares to adjourn, the will have left..."

  3. for me Collin

  4. They're not meeting this week, either. January 7-9.

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Can you predict the winner of Chicago aldermanic races?

    Give it a try:
