Friday, November 10, 2006

Stufflebeam Getting 87%-93% of Write-In Votes for Governor

In the six election jurisdictions I found that list which write-in candidates for governor got how many votes, Randy Stufflebeam is receiving 87% to 93% of the write-in votes.

Now not a lot of folks cast write-in votes. That's for sure.

I thought that write-in totals would not be available until canvassing was completed in each election jurisdiction.

Turns out that the City of Peoria’s election commission and a couple of others have them on the web already. (Thanks to Rich Miller for the lead.) More report the total number of write-in votes and their percentage to the whole.

Of course, there weren’t very many write-in votes. The lowest percengtage I found was 4/10ths of 1% in Pulaski County. The highest was 3.3% in Ogle County, where Stufflebeam campaign manager Eunice Conn lives.

Randy Stufflebeam got almost 91%
of the 244 gubernatorial write-in votes in the City of Peoria, trouncing hometown candidate Tim Neiukirk, who probably had more fun in the campaign than any other candidate. Check out his videos. They are fun to watch.

The results follow:
222 – Randy Stufflebeam, the Constitution Party candidate
15 – Timothy Ross Neiukirk
6 – Mark Robert McCoy, the Libertarian Party candidate
1 - Angel Rivera
Less than one percent of the votes were write-in votes. Stufflebeam got only 0.72% of the total votes in Peoria, but over 91% of the write-in votes. Green Party candidate Rich Whitney received 14.1%. The city was carried by Judy Topinka with 44.5%. Rod Blagojevich got 40.7%.

In Peoria County outside of the city, Stufflebeam received another 214 votes--93% of the write-in votes there. Again YouTube candidate Tim Neiukirk was runner-up among the write-ins with 14 votes. Marvin J. Koch, Jr., got one vote.

In Sangamon County outside of Springfield, Stufflebeam got 271 votes. Neiukirk got 11 votes. McCoy received 8 votes, while Chris McClure got 7. Rivera and David Lewis Sito each got 1. 0.72% of the votes for governor were write-ins.

Stufflebeam carried 91% of the write-in votes, but only 0.72% of those voting wrote-in a candidate for governor. Topinka won big time: 68% to Blagojevich’s 20.8% to Whitney’s 10.9%.

For Crawford County, I’m a bit confused. Stufflebeam is credited with 55 votes and Crystal Laker Mike Shorten with 1, but then there is a line that says there are 50 write-in votes. Go figure.

Douglas County saw 0.71% cast write-in ballots for governor. Stufflebeam got 37 of the 42 or 88% of the total.

LaSalle County saw almost 1.1% of its gubernatorial votes cast by write-in for a total of 355 votes. Stufflbeam received 136 votes, with 12 in Freedom Township. (That’s the most I have seen in a precinct.) McCoy, Nieukirk and Albert (Barney) Sloan got 7 votes apiece. I cannot account for the other 198 votes. Dividing Stufflebeam’s 136 votes by the total reported by name would indicate that he got almost 87% of the write-in votes for governor.

Stufflebeam filed 4,382 signatures on his petitions to get on the ballot as the Constitution Party candidate.

For what I found out about the number of write-ins in the other election jurisdictions, go to McHenry County Blog, where this was first posted, of course.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Is there even a remote point to this?

  2. There are some potential implications for the GOP.
