Saturday, November 04, 2006

Cong. Schakowsky's husband Creamer released from prison

Robert B. Creamer, admitted check-kiter and husband of Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, was released from federal custody yesterday.

Creamer pleaded guilty to fraud and served five months at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. It was while he was executive director of the Illinois Public Action Council that Creamer kited the checks. Although she was not implicated in her husband's scheme, Schakowsky was a member of the IPAC board of directors while the financial shenanigans were taking place.

Just as what happened when Creamer surrendered himself to authorities in June, the mainstream media has ignored his release from the hoosegow.

Schakowsky, a liberal Democrat, represents me in Congress. I'll be voting for the Republican candidate, Michael P.

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