Monday, October 16, 2006

Rasmussen poll on Gov race

It's out but I don't subscribe. They show JBT at 43% with the Gov at 49% and no idea where Whitney the Green is. This was Oct 12 with 500 LVs so maybe it's the Rezko effect.

Big swing from the Trib WGN poll.

Maybe it's time for Quinn to start talking about his plan for cleaning house as Governor to keep Democrats ahead.

Update: Rich had the Rasmussen poll covered here and there's some question if it's really post-Rezko.

Footnote: Proviso Probe has a post on Blagojevich and Danny Davis at a meeting on the West Side. (Carl also covered it here at Austin Weekly News.)

Here's a quote from Carl's post. I think he's right and it shows what's become of the left. I can't imagine a Paul Douglas, a Paul Simon, or a Leon Despres agreeing with a thought like this. But it's true and I think reflects what's become of reform in Illinois. We get tricks, lies, and Pat Quinn's silence.
He [Blagojevich] cast himself as fighting for a progressive vision. He acknowledged that politics is sometimes dirty and dishonest. He told a story about how he tricked the "Pro Life" legislators on stem cell research. Blagojevich knew the anti-abortion crowd wanted to strip funding for stem cell research from the budget. Blagojevich gave the legislature the budget without enough time for the anti-abortion legislators to find where Blagojevich put the stem cell research money. When asked about the issue, Blagojevich proudly explained, "I told them the truth. I'm not saying [if there's stem cell research money or not]."

I thought this anecdote did a good job of making the case that if you want to make progress in politics sometimes you have to play dirty.

However, Blagojevich crossed into bs territory when he said that he wanted his legacy to be to build a progressive movement that would sustain itself beyond his gubernatorial campaign.
That's the progressive movement. It's no bs.

xp Bill Baar's West Side


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM


    Bill, the anecdote about the unread bill and how he "tricked" pro-life legislators ought to be, and I emphasize ought, to be yet another reason pro-lifers should support Judy & Joe on election day.

    Remember, Judy has been pushing for a cooling off time period before a budget vote, which would prevent a repeat of this.

    Unfortunately, many profess the pro-life issue to be their number one issue, and seek a candidate pure on that issue, allowing the Blagojevich to get away with more stuff like this.

    No wonder even his party comrades make him sign "memorandums of understanding".

    BTW, I still cannot figure out how pro-life legislators, or any others, could vote to approve a bill they haven't read.

    Just following orders, I guess.


  2. Anonymous9:50 PM

    AP is reporting the first post-Rezko poll (conducted by Glengariff Group) shows Blagojevich with a 9 point lead.

    Blagojevich 39% and Topinka 30%.

    According to the pollster quoted in the article, their polling showed very little movement for either candidate since their last poll.

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    I think Rich Whitney is going to win this election--that's who I'm voting for!

  4. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Once again, Illinoize's biggest gasbag takes one person's comment and uses it to tar the entire "left."

    Go away, Bill.

  5. Good post. Don't listen to that jerk above.

  6. Well, whatever left is left, has tarred itself with the utter silence on what's happening in Illinios.
