Sunday, September 10, 2006

Quigley Takes On Mayor Daley

Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley has never been one to shy away from tough issues, earning his reputation as the leading reform Democrat in Cook County.

Now, Quigley is squaring off for a fight with the entire city council and Mayor Daley to reform Tax Increment Finance Districts, or TIFs. Ben Joravsky writes another brilliant piece in this week's Reader that strikes the right balance between policy and politics, marinating an otherwise dry topic into a delicious journalistic meal, topped with Quigley's usual servings of "I can't believe he just said THAT on the record" quotes:

"I didn’t go into this thing thinking, ‘How can I piss off Mayor Daley?’ But with these TIFs Daley’s saying arrogantly, ‘I’m going to TIF the whole Loop. I don’t need your authority. I’m not going to advise you. My needs are more important than yours.’"


“I understand you don’t want to upset the mayor, and I don’t want to go down in a flaming ball of martyrdom,” he says. “But am I supposed to say nothing because it’s the mayor’s program? He’s powerful and popular, and it gives him a pass. It’s Shakespearean—the seeds of his problems come from his strengths. If you give someone a pass when they do something wrong, they’ll never change.”

Joravsky distills a compelling case against TIFs, which he outright labels as a slush fund for the Mayor and aldermen. The shocker was that the number of TIFs has mushroomed from 40 to over 140 since the last decade, and TIFs now cover a third of the city.

The one missing ingredient in Joravsky's piece is acknowledgement that the city's patronage army has shrunk from 25,000 - 30,000 in it's heyday to less than 5,000 today, so politicians have turned to TIFs as a way to dispense or withhold favors. The problem being of course that its the property tax payers who are left to foot the bill for all the the money that TIF districts don't pay for schools, parks and city services.

Still an excellent read.


  1. Yep, well sir, legend has it around these parts, from the snack dish at Hugo's Frog Bar to the cuff-link trays at Neiman Marcus, that a mighty fella, with the genuine integrity of a Sosa Corker, could swing a felt tip the size of a goose feather 'n still have the appetite enough of four pre-schoolers with the sniffles.

    Nothin' much got Ol' Mike's way, no sir, as he strode the length of a Q-tip on his way to that big chair way up in the Ol' County Chamber, - not a spool, not a bottle cap, not a dust-bunny the size of a consumptive mouse's ear could stop Ol' Mike.

    To hear folks tell it -Mike Quigley, folks say, was as big as his heart and as long as his memory - Yep, Lotta folks say.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Thanks for giving Ben Joravsky some long ever due props. He has been beating the TIF Drum for a long time.

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Hickey, don't cut on Sammy Sosa
    he is a great player and hitter regardless of the bat

    Quigley is right on this and has some good ideas, problem is he does not keep his word
    He is a protege of former Alderman Hansen (pinky 29 ring during the Vrdolyak era)
    He ran against Helen Schiller with machine support for alderman
    (with Daley and his new enemy Sheehan's backing)
    so not exactly the reformer pedigree and some real mahine ancestory and some solid links to current enemies

    But he makes sense on a lot of issues
    He is a little white lakefront liberal for me personally
    but he is right on the TIFS
    if only he could keep his word
    he broke his word to friends
    and as a human being (even if typical in politics) it doesn't make him high in my book

  4. My slight on Sosa, merely a parochial affectation - the man was great.

    As for the Uriah Heep of local politics, you preach to the choir.

    I have no problem with Reform whatsoever; it is the 'Reformer' that sets my sensitive old teeth on edge.

    Mr. Quigley is a bottom-feeder who thinks he's a shark.

  5. YDD, check your email.

  6. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Wasn't Uriah Heep a band?

    After Singer was in deals with Fast Eddie and Bloom went to jail--the question IS THERE ANY REAL REFORMERS LEFT?

  7. Uriah Heep was character in Dickens' "David Copperfield" charcterized by his unctious hypocrisy and back-stabbing - there is not a person in the novel Heep does not do dirt to - much like Kid Revolution and His Electric Plan ( manufactured by the University of Chicago).

    There are reformers and they are practiced and dedicated public servants.
