Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Business Leaders Praise Gordon, Pimp Blago

Business leaders are singing Careen Gordon's praises. From the Morris Daily Herald:

"Representative Gordon has proven that she can get results when it comes to making Illinois friendlier to businesses. She has helped pass significant legislation that is leveling the economic playing field and making Illinois more competitive with other states." - Jim Baum, a Morris businessman and the former chairman of IRMA

"Careen Gordon has been an active partner with Illinois' business community.
Time and time again, she's demonstrated her independence by voting to improve the business climate in her region and across the state. Representative Gordon has proven herself to be a thoughtful legislator who brings people together to get the job done." - David Vite, IRMA president and CEO

"Careen Gordon has been a consistent opponent of Governor Blagojevich's job-killing tax increases. What is more, she has sought to help small businesses cut through government red tape and get paid on time. These efforts can help Illinois' employers be more successful in the future." -
Todd Maisch, vice president of Government Affairs for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Emphasis added -- do you think Rep. Gordon is distancing herself from Blagojevich, just a bit?

Then there was this icing on the cake:

According to the Illinois Department of Employment Security, Grundy County went from having the third-highest unemployment rate in Illinois in 2005 to a remarkable improvement by falling to 64th in the rankings in 2006.

Unemployment has also decreased throughout the 75th District each year since Gordon has been the state representative.

Those job stats and quotes will be a big help to Gordon in this conservative-leaning district, and they won't do much for her opponent's fundraising.

1 comment:

  1. That's great to hear.

    Rep. Gordon is a class act and a great State Rep.

    Coal City is a fun place to spend an election day, by the way.
