Friday, August 18, 2006

"They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason."

More postal goodness from the National Republican Congressional Committee:

While this one is not as egregious as the laughable earlier mailers, it is still pretty damn bad -- just try to parse the sentence that the NRCC chose to highlight on the flip-side:

The sentence's meaning is not immediately clear -- and it isn't even clear whether the apparent desire to reverse the increase in a credit by half is supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing.

And how about that dilemma that the NRCC presents: "Taxes or Diapers?" Geez guys -- and you know it was guys -- maybe next time you might wanna give the reader a desirable option.

But an argument could be made that the choice between a) some taxes to pay off Bush's deficits, and b) something full of the same old shit does properly symbolize voters' choices in November.

As I've said before: sometimes a political ad inadvertently reveals more than was intended. And in this case the NRCC has accidentally presented the voters with the question that must be answered in November:
Do we act like adults and return U.S. tax laws to the levels of the 90's -- when America suffered under the twin scurges of peace and prosperity -- or do we continue to borrow money and pass the Republican's record deficit down to this child and her children?
You shouldn't have to sacrifice your family's future to pay for tax-cuts to the hyper-rich.

Cross-posted at The So-Called "Austin Mayor" blog


  1. So your point is Roskam and Duckworth should raise income taxes?

    Should Blagojevich and Topinka advocate the same thing?

    CBS tells us the Federal deficit is down sharply,

    Through the first 10 months of this budget year, the deficit totaled $239.7 billion, an improvement of 20.8 percent from the same period a year ago, when it was $302.8 billion.

    The deficit in July totaled $33.2 billion, down sharply from an imbalance of $53.4 billion in July 2005.

    The narrowing of the deficit this year reflects a surge in government revenues from higher corporate and individual tax receipts.

    What's your point here? You want a Federal Income tax increase. Then tell us how much.

    Bush said he'd cut taxes and the actual tax receipts would eventually go up from the stimlus (sounds like old Liberal prime the pump to me). And it looks like it worked, but if you think an increase needed; again please tell us how much.

    You want a State Income tax increase, tell us how much.

    Tell us where you stand on numbers, taxes that really take money from tax payors; forget the ad astethics.

  2. Do we act like adults and return U.S. tax laws to the levels of the 90's -- when America suffered under the twin scurges of peace and prosperity

    We refused to look at some growing threat's in the 90s by the way: the first attack on the WTC, Somalia, the embassy attacks in Africa, the Khobar Towers bombings.

    And we did way too little to prevent the genocides in Bosnia and Rhwanda.

    I don't think History will judge it as one of America's proudest decades; even if some of us here in Chicago did live high on the hog in those years.

    It was a false high.

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    If I didn't believe the voters in that district were the kind of folks who would actually read such a long and senseless piece, I would say you were making too much out of it . . . but . . .

  4. Lovie & Bill,

    I await your explanation of how the nation will pay off the Bush-era debt without increasing revenue.

    -- SCAM

  5. Read the CBS link. The deficit down 20% due to growth.

    That's really the idea, grow the economy by leaving money into peoples hands.

    I don't share your Taft Republican fetish for balanced budgets.

    It's strange Liberalism has come to that.

    I'd have created a bigger deficit for ownership accounts in SSA because I want to create a universal investor class.

    And when it comes to war, like FDR, I'll create a whopper of a deficit to win... whatever it takes.

    So what kind of tax rate does Duckworth want?

    She wants to burden us with a Gramm Rudman rule again?

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    An increase in the state income tax can be coupled with a mandatory tax credit for property taxes, like Rich Whitney is proposing. This would provide much needed property tax relief for fixed-income taxpayers.

  7. Bill,

    I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were serious about the "wish on a star and grow our way out" deficit plan.

    I sure hope it works better than the "wish on a star and make Iraq a Jeffersonian democracy" plan.

    -- S.C.A.M.

  8. Never mind that Duckworth wants to keep the child tax credits so the entire piece is a lie.

    A good friend of mine often makes the point that if you are angry about how Blagojevich does all sorts of gimmicks to the budget why aren't you angry about the Bush administration--to suggest the budget deficit is falling enough to achieve anything close to balance why are we delaying paying government bills in the Medicare program>

    Worse for those spouting the nonsense that this is good economic news is that assumptions Bush is basing future projections upon assume a drastric reduction in spending. The more debt we pile up, the harder it is to reduce spending.

    It's a fictional fiscal world the Bush administration is working in. It's pretty similar to the Blagojevich fictional fiscal world, but yet many can only seem to be able to criticize one of them.


    The entire claptrap about growing out of deficit through tax credits is silly given the Administration's own scoring suggestions that the best case assumptions produce an increase in revenue that is only about 15% of the cost of the tax cuts.

    I suppose living in a fantasy land is nice if you never have to leave, but reality forces the bills to come due at some point.

  9. ===Once again, a load of hippie bull crap!!!

    So there is a magical force that is going to pay for the debt? Or is it the American citizens? I thought so...

  10. Anonymous9:22 PM

    The deficit is a record in dolars not in % of GNP. What was the deficit the last time we went to war? I guess you libs think only runbber drives and rationing are sacrifices!
    Democrats where is what you will do? You won't raise taxes? Will you lower them? All you do is complane you have no plan.
    Hatred is not a plan

  11. Anonymous9:28 PM

    "Do we act like adults and return U.S. tax laws to the levels of the 90's -- when America suffered under the twin scurges of peace and prosperity"
    Peace and prosprity- Somalia,Kobar towers, WTC (93) African embassies, USSCole. We Did Nothing now our kids have to do it. Stick your head in the sand and your ass get blown off!
    Cut and Run same as the 60's

  12. Federal Deficit Down Sharply From 2005
    Shortfall Through 10 Months Is $239.7B, Nearly 21% Better Than Last Year

    Which could be Reworded As:

    Federal Deficit Up Sharply From 2000
    When Democrats were in charge budget was balanced

  13. Anons,

    I am sorry that the school systems failed you, resulting in your shortcomings in spelling, grammar and critical thinking.

    -- S.C.A.M.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM


  15. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I think they're showing how hard it is to define someone with no record and no plan if elected.
