Friday, August 25, 2006

Steve Huntly on Emanuel's Plan

Steve Huntly's column on The Plan.
The Plan is mostly centrist Democratic stuff. However you may feel about issues he raises, there's no doubt that Emanuel is proposing for the Democrats a comprehensive national agenda, maybe even a winning one. Just one question: Is it an agenda that will appeal to the rabid Bush-hating, anti-war, bring-back-the-'60s crowd that seems to dominate the party these days?
A thread if folks want to comment about a book that will sell far fewer copies then Obama's but maybe have more lasting ideas (?)

We certainly have some literary Democrats in Illinois.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Courtesy reply

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I comment here quite a sporadically from the anti-bush anti-america camp. How being Anti-Bush's policies has been framed as Anti-American I don't know?

    What I want to say is that while I'm a "crazy leftist" (I'm a card carrying member of HRC and the ACLU). While I have not read Rahm's book (nor have I read any of Obama's), I have always liked Rahm's arguments when he has appeared on TV.

    Why do both sides claim they other sides extreme end is dominating the party?

    Lamont's victory in the primary was by 2 percentage points. That is hardly domination.

    Maybe it is our winner take all system?
    Maybe it is Gerrymandering?
    Maybe it is because in general this country does not care about politics and therefore anyone who does is an extremist?
