Friday, August 18, 2006

Singer Linked to Vrdolyak Probe

What is it about Chicago aldermen and former aldermen?

They seem to get into trouble on a regular basis.

True, the current crop has not seen many indictments, but maybe that's because the U.S. Attorney's Office is too busy with bigger fish.

In any event, I was surprised to see former northside reform Alderman Bill Singer's name linked to the Eddie Vrdolyak probe.

Were you?

And, who was the former reformer who went to jail? He replaced the first Mayor Daley briefly.

Also posted at McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Ya know, Cal, there are 50 aldermen and only 5, maybe 6 state officials,; do the math; there are more Chicago pols to draw fire than there are state guys. Now, Chicago's corrupt all out of proportion, but even it were balanced, there'd still be more investigations in that one city than in Springfield.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Are you talking about Wilson Frost ? I know he was in line to become Mayor after the first Mayor Daley passed away. I dont remember him going to jail.

  3. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Was there any point at all to this post? Or is it the blogging equivalent to liking to hear yourself talk?

  4. I wouldn't call Wilson Frost a reformer.

    And anything about Vrdolyak interesting.

  5. Singer? You mean Dennis DeYoung?

    Seriously, does the name Lawrence Bloom come to mind as a goo-goo alderman who got tainted?

  6. Tough week for 'long-haired men and short-haired women' who are so much better and smarter than - 'those idiot voters.' 'Tis a giggle,

  7. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Burke is a FEDERAL CI,just ask ERV!!

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    The Singer situation must make Edwin Eisendrath feel very proud right now.

  9. Anonymous10:11 PM

    from Ray Hananias website

    Many of the little tidbits I received started to come by telephone from Daley and from his political outcasts. The man driving these items was a former Chicago cop and trickster for the Chicago Red Squad named Jeremiah Joyce who partnered with another Daley ally, Tim Degnan, in the Illinois Senate.

    "to the victor belong the spoils."
    New York senator, William L. Marcy,

  10. An early on commenter perhaps forgets that the 177 legislators are state officials, too.

    A much lower percentage of them have gone to jail than that of Chicago alderman.
