Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Joe Moore: Putting the unions' money where his mouth is

Crossposted at Marathon Pundit.

Craig over at Morse Hell Hole came across Alderman Joe Moore's campaign disclosure statement for the first six months of 2006.

The North Side Chicago alderman is the principal sponsor of the "big box living wage" ordinance, an anti-jobs (although Moore denies that) measure that focuses only on Wal-Mart, Target, Lowes, and other major retailers.

Moore is a recent recipient of Wal-Mart Watch's (a Service Employee International Union funded group) person of the week award.

The supporters of the ordinance will also deny it, but it's Wal-Mart that they have in their sight: They don't like Wal-Mart's philosophy, and they're angry that Wal-Mart has non-union stores.

Back to Moore: In that campaign disclosure statement, here are four telling donations:

SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 1
111 E Wacker Dr
Ste 2500
Chicago, IL 60601 $1,000.00
3/2/2006 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Joe Moore

SEIU Local 880 PAC
1024 Elysian Fields
New Orleans, LA 70117 $1,000.00
6/8/2006 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Joe Moore

UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers) Local 1546
1649 W. Adams
Chicago, IL 60612 $500.00
3/2/2006 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Joe Moore

UFCW Local 881
10400 W. Higgins Road
Rosemont, IL 60018 $1,000.00
4/10/2006 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Joe Moore

UFCW is the funding source of Wake Up Wal-Mart, another anti-Wal-Mart group.

But Joe is doing it "for the little guy."

Related posts: Ald. Joe Moore, retail genius

"Big box" bye-bye: Target canceling plans for two Chicago stores

Another "big box" bails from Chicago over living-wage ordinance


  1. I do not see a Local of Any of the Trade Unions. Only the Andy stern appartchik unions & etc. Phone the Politburo! DaNyet!

  2. Joe Moore is without a doubt the biggest hypocrite on the Chicago City Council, even more so than Dorothy Tillman. But what else do you expect from a so-called "progressive" who has his stooges challenge the nominating petitions of anyone who files against him for re-election (as was the case in 1999 and 2003)?

  3. Brother Randall,

    I remember when this beauty did the deed on Candidate John Clark - back when.

    Moore is not the biggest anal apperture in Chicago - but he'll do.

  4. It'll be an interestng Feb. for Moore.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Don't get me wrong, I dislike Moore as much as the rest of you. I just want one fact clarified, What kinds of subsidies/tax incentives is the City of Chicago giving to Target and Wal-Mart? I heard rumors and I was wondering if any of you who know more than me on this issue would enlighten me.

  6. Here's an old Jimmy Buffet Tune - Covered best by Hank Williams, Jr. Could be Joe's Opponent's Campaign Tune - Not Very PC and you won't hear it on NPR: Imagine Commentary by that legendary sleep aid - Studs Terkle -

    'It was back in the '70's when Minnie Apolis, a lovely Greek partisan from Custer Park, who had fought fascism in Spain right around the time Gus Tashion had been beaten by cops for buying red licorice in a West Side pharmacy that had that great old Black Jack Gum that reminded me of the workers in the Milagro Bean Fields who spun Jazz on their acordians at zzzzzzzzzzz' Love NPR, but not when I'm driving and never on I-94.

    Here Goes Joe!

    'Well I was drivin' down I-94 (changed from 95)the other night.
    Somebody nearly cut me right off the road.
    I decided it wasn't gonna do any good to get mad.
    So I wrote a song about him instead.
    It goes like this...

    Were you born an a$$hole?
    Or did you work at it your whole life?
    Either way it worked out fine
    'cause you're an aSShole tonight.

    Yes you're an A $ $ H O L E...
    And don't you try to blame it on me.
    You deserve all the credit.
    You're an a$$hole tonight.

    You were an aSShole yesterday.
    You're an a$$hole tonight.
    And I've got a feelin'
    you'll be an a$$hole the rest of your life.

    And I was talkin' to your mother
    just the other night.
    I told her I thought you were an a$$hole.
    She said, "Yes. I think you're right."

    And all your friends are aSSholes
    'cause you've known them your whole life.
    And somebody told me
    you've got an a$$hole for a wife.

    Were you born an aSShole?
    Or did you work at it your whole life?
    Either way it worked out fine
    'cause you're an aaaa$$...hole tonight

    Could get PeopleAMarchin'!

  7. Is he singing about me?

  8. Have we not all - those of us who are not now nor ever have been the subject of that song - asked that very question of ourselves - almost hourly for your's truly.


    It is those who do not, in fact, make that life-racheting query who are, in fact, that song's very subject. Rest assured, Rubes, you ask the necessary question and can not be its answer.

  9. Hey Rube:

    Breaking news -- The sun will rise in the east on Wednesday. That is more shocking than the story you provided.

    OF COURSE the unions support Moore and the Big Box. That was clear to everybody with a pulse.

    You see, unions represent the working class. They want higher wages for union workers. It is more difficult to get higher wages when there are large employers driving average wages down.

    Glad I had the chance to give you some insight into this whole matter. Now maybe you will understand.

  10. I rest my case Mr. Rubery!

  11. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Was no one offended at the $5,000 that Walmart gave Ald. Emma Mitts? That's one donor with one agenda giving more to the lead opponent of the Big Box ordinance than several proponents combined gave to the sponsor.

    You people start with the premise that Moore is an idiot, and then look for a reason to support that premise. Maybe you should open your minds and look at the big picture. Or have you written an entire song about Ald. Mitts? If $3,500 inspires such vulgarity for Moore, what does $5,000 bring out about Mitts?

  12. Actually, Pat, it is:

    "I rest my case Mr. Ruberry."

    Keep singing my friend.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Was no one offended at the $5,000 that Walmart gave Ald. Emma Mitts? That's one donor with one agenda giving more to the lead opponent of the Big Box ordinance than several proponents combined gave to the sponsor.

    You people start with the premise that Moore is an idiot, and then look for a reason to support that premise. Maybe you should open your minds and look at the big picture. Or have you written an entire song about Ald. Mitts? If $3,500 inspires such vulgarity for Moore, what does $5,000 bring out about Mitts?

    11:35 AM

    In response:

    According to Rube: Mere coincidence. Nothing bought. Completely on the up and up. Return to your homes. Nothing to be seen.

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    In the nut-job world of the ranting "there's a commie teaching every class on campus" village idiot, it's just fine for WalMart to buy influence any way they can. That's just the "free market" working its majic, but if those evil unions try to get the people who aren't the same color and live in the neighborhoods he locks his doors when he drive sthrough a few more bucks, they're going to be called out.

  15. Skeeter,

    Te amat Iesus--ceteri te putant irrumatorem

  16. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Good to see Hickey can also be an asshole in Latin

  17. Anonymous12:50 PM

    pat I like your stuff but no need to be homophopic

  18. Actually that translates to

    'Behold the Man' - Homo in Greek is what is used in the word refering to homosexuality - in Grk: homo =same; thus a man or woman may be homosexual.

    Latin - 'The Man' as opposed to the general Vir.

    My choice was self-deprecating, but it might be lost on those unacquainted with its grammatical uses. Thanks for asking though.

    Off to a Wake! Behave, while I'm gone.

  19. I'm with Skeeter. Alderman Moore is supported by low-wage workers. Alderman Mitts is supported by this country's second most profitable country and largest importer of cheap foreign goods.

    Where's the news?

    How about this: Alderman Mitts raised more money from WalMart (all those little people she's sticking up for) than she did from all small donors combined.

  20. YDD,

    I wouldn't take a 'Good day, sir'
    from the Wal-Martians, but that's just me.

    Gave Father Ted McNulty,China Marine Post-WWII, Union man, priest, golfer, and gentleman a farewell. This world is diminished.

  21. Anonymous4:38 PM

    And Mayor Daley gets hired truck money, his family firm gets Walmart money. Sick.

  22. Anonymous6:24 PM

    That's all Joe needed - $3500 - to be bought? Either the man is a cheap vote, or he had other reasons besides the money.

  23. Anonymous8:53 PM

    John, why do you care what happens in Chicago? You moved out.

    Your whimpering tirades against Joe Moore are getting tiresome.
    If you think he is evil, move back and run for Alderman. Put your ideas for community improvement against his and let the people in the Ward decide.

    Wal-Mart and its supporters on this blog can fund your campaign. Go for it!

  24. Anon. 8:53. Cuz I care, that's why.

    Also, Moore--with his national issue posturing while ignoring his ward--is clearly postitioning himself to run for a higher office. My guess is that he hopes to replace Jan Schakowsky one day. The Creamer stuff has pretty much plateaued her career, she won't be able to move up in the house leadership, and her oppt'y, unlikely as it was, to move to the senate went out the door once Obama was elected.

    Obviously Moore views himself as the post-Jan rep for the 9th.

    Of course, he has to win re-election next year in the 49th ward for that to happen.

  25. The sole Wal-Mart in Chicago will be in Emmat Mitts' 37th ward...about 500 jobs will be generated. How many jobs has Joe Moore brought to his ward?

  26. I hope this ordinance gets vetoed. Englewood may get a Wal-Mart and they could use the jobs. You guys want to fret about Ald. Mitts getting money from Wal-Mart? Ald Coleman was apparently bribed with the idea that Wal-Mart may come to her Englewood ward. Now take that.

  27. Anonymous12:57 AM

    ELysian Hills is a cool adress.

    Hickey says ECCE HOMO, does that make him Pontius Pilate??

    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori--on a different topic

  28. Let me get this right now, Rube:

    It is fine for Mitts to get a big chunk of $$ from Wal-Mart, because Rube likes Wal-Mart.

    However, it is bad for Moore to get money from unions, since Rube hates unions.

    Does that fairly state your position?

    By the way, Rube. Nobody but you cares about Creamer.

  29. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "It'll be an interestng Feb. for Moore."

    No it won't.

  30. Following up:

    None of my comments should be construed as being supportive of Ald. Moore. He is right on the Big Box issue, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

    Hopefully the winds of change will sweep through next February -- Natarus, Moore, Stone. . . They all can go back to selling insurance full time. The City deserves better than them.

  31. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Say what you want, Joe Moore is at least trying, at least attempting... Mary Ann Smith? What does she do? Worry about elephants? Lass Alderman in Chicago is the answer.

  32. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hey, savvy observers, take a peek. The guy that will finally retire Moore in February is Rogers Park community activist Don Gordon. This aldermanic candidate's web site is at www.DonGordon.org

  33. Smith is worthless, that's true.

  34. Skeeter...Moore, the supporter of "the little guy," is preventing jobs from coming in. Mitts is bringing much needed jobs to the West Side.

  35. No one cares about Creamer?

    Too bad, I'm sure he could use a cookie shipment, of a Vermont Teddy Bear sent by some Illinoize lib.
