Friday, August 18, 2006

Jacobs reaches across aisle with campaign cash

Sen. Mike Jacobs, D-36th is once again holding his annual fundraiser event August 24th at Johnny's Italian Steakhouse in Moline.

Tickets ranging from the $2500 "Frankie" level to the $30 "Sammy" level are offered for this Rat Pack themed event which is catered with fine food and drink from the upscale restaurant. Jacobs reported spending around $6000 with Johnny's on last year's event.

For the moment, cut just across the Mississippi to Iowa's hotly constested 1st District congressional race. This race has attracted national focus since before the primaries and is one of the few open seat races in the country, due to Republican Jim Nussle giving up the seat to run for Iowa governor.

It's tooth and nail and sure to be a big money battle between Bruce Braley, the Dem contender who represents that party's hopes to pick up the seat, and Mike Whalen, a wealthy businessman who's attracted fundraising visits from Dick Cheney and Bill Frist, among others.

What does any of this have to do with Jacobs' multi-thousand dollar fundraiser?

Well, it happens that Mike Whalen owns Johnny's Italian Steakhouse where Jacobs is holding his event.

Jacobs (and his father before him) have held several events at the restaurant in the past, but Mike Jacobs is doing so now even after Whalen has become the Republican candidate for congress in an extremely tough battleground race just across the river.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I live in Mike's District. He is one of the most aggressive and pro-active leaders I have seen in a long time. He will do well for our area. We will take our lumps for some of his less then appropriate phraseology and conduct, but at the end of the day, he will bring home the bacon for the 36th, just like his dad, Give the kid some years, and he will prove it time and time again. Thank God we did not go with Boland.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    the jacobs have been trying to out the author of the local political blog in the qc region for the last year. they are going to be shocked to find out the dope is a lot closer to the jacobs then this bix fellow... dig deeper mike.

  3. Anonymous2:33 PM

    What the hell does any of this have to do with the original post? You guys are pathetic. Mike Jacobs will become the poster boy of the arrogance and hubris that causes RICO to fall back into GOP hands, and we'll have you pricks to thank.

  4. Apparently, some Jacobs partisans have a real problem dealing with the truth.

    Unfortunately, some have seen fit to post libelous derrogatory and utterly false comments on this post before I checked back in on it.

    Of course, they didn't dispute anything about the facts, but immediately launched into trying to slime and demonize someone they mistakenly think is responsible for my blog. They never uttered a word to dispute the facts in the post.

    It must be said that nothing which was posted here in comments was remotely true in any way, including the suggestion that I am somehow a "disgruntled former employee" of Jacobs.

    I've never been employed by Jacobs in any way and neither has the person they continue to falsely accuse of running my blog, as is apparent by the fact that the name isn't listed anywhere in any Jacobs campaign expediture reports.

    It's unfortunate that some saw fit to try to engage in this sort of irresponsible personal attack in response to accurate reporting, and apparently others joined in with just as irresponsible responses.

    When you have no legitimate defense whatsoever, the dishonorable stoop to lies and personal libel, as this gang reliably does.

    But the bottom line is that the post is 100% accruate and has not been disputed.
